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The Recorder Newsletter
Contributing to The Recorder
Get the November issue of The Recorder
You can print it out or download it to your computer.
The Recorder editor would like to get more contributions from you members!
Submissions can include announcements regarding your group’s function and/or accomplishments. We LOVE pictures (in *.jpg or similar format) with each person identified, if possible. Other items include: short stories (limited to space available), announcements of upcoming events regarding The Renaissance Society, and informational articles (i.e. “Ethnic Reflections” and “Member Profile”). The submissions should be in WORD form (preferably 12-point Times New Roman, but we can adapt).
Submissions to The Recorder should be emailed to Jim Hodges at Deadlines are monthly, by the second of each month (for the next following month). Example: January 2 is the DUE DATE for the February issue. We PREFER that you do not wait UNTIL the second to submit longer articles, as we need more time to plan space requirements. Additionally, a “heads up” to the editor in advance, with approximate space requirements of your article, will assist us in planning and placement.
These are the deadlines for submitting information or photos to the Recorder editors:
For the Month Of: | Deadline is: |
January | Dec. 2 |
February | Jan. 2 |
March | Feb. 2 |
April | March 2 |
May | April 2 |
June | May 2 |
July | June 2 |
August | July 2 |
September | Aug. 2 |
October | Sept. 2 |
November | Oct. 2 |
December | Nov. 2 |
Back Recorder Issues
Missed an old Recorder issue? Here are the last year's worth of issues.
Each issue is posted in a PDF format that all computers should be able to open, read, print or download to your computer for future reading or saving.