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Environmental Studies Student News
Dr. Julian Fulton receives RSCA Award
RCA Faculty Senate Subcommittee announces 23-24 career-research awardees
Dr. Julian Fulton, Environmental Studies, is the Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA) awardee for Early Career Faculty. Since 2016, Dr. Fulton has secured over $1.4 million in external research funding and has significantly contributed to environmental research and participatory science. His work incorporates advanced machine learning to improve community-based environmental initiatives. Dr. Ronald Coleman, Biological Sciences, is the RSCA awardee for Senior Career Faculty. Since 2001, Coleman has published extensively in evolutionary ecology, particularly on parental investment in cichlid fishes. His research includes theoretical modeling, manipulative experiments and substantial fieldwork in Costa Rica. Awardees receive three units of course buyout for the 2024-25 AY and $2,500 for professional development from the Offices of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (ORIED). A celebration event hosted by ORIED and the RCA Subcommittee is planned for this fall.
ENVS Dept Participates in Admitted Students Day Apr 27 2024
ENVS Peer Mentor, Kayla Jewel, table for the ENVS Dept at Sacramento State Admitted Student Day, April 27, 2024. Admitted Student’s Day is where Future Hornets can address their questions about next steps towards enrollment.
Dr. Si Gao receives CSUS Retiree Association Award Spring 2024
Dr. Si Gao receives the CSUS Retirees Association's 2024 Probationary Faculty Research Award.
The letter of award explained the Associations choice because "even in your short time here at Sacramento State, you have compiled an enviable record of scholarly activity in addition to your fine teaching and service". The award was acknowledged at the Retiree Association's annual Spring Brunch on May 5th. Well done Si. Traditionally the Association co-ordinates with Dept Chair and College Dean to “surprise” the recipient. Well done Dr. Si Gao.
Dr. James Reede's ppt featured in Sac State's Black History month
ENVS Faculty, Dr. James W. Reede, Jr., power point presentation will be featured at the University Union Exhibit on Feb 13th and 16th of February.
The Black Community has always contributed greatly to the improvement and progression of the world, the U.S., the State of California, Sacramento Region and Sac State.
In preparation for Black History Month and throughout the year, the Division of Inclusive Excellence is going to curate a Black History at Sac State Exhibit honoring the multiple contributions of Black activists, Black celebrity graduates, Black faculty, staff, students, administrators, and alumni, Black inspired programs, services and movements, symbols, past and present at Sac State.
Fall 2024 Patrick Dugal Memorial & Swift Scholarship Recipients
Fall 2024 Dean's Award - Destiny Nash
Fall 2024 Dugal $5,000 Scholarship
Ngoc Nguyen & Quinn Rel
Fall 2024 Swift $1,500 Thomas Swift Scholarship
Owen Guarienti & Yiyi Wu
Aug 2023 - Prof Stevens receives Educator of the Year Award from SWS
At the Society of Wetlands Scientist convention, ENVS Faculty, Dr. Michelle Stevens, was presented with the Educator of The Year award. The SWS recognizes varies members for their exceptional work in promoting understanding, conservation, protection, restoration, science-based management, and sustainability of wetlands. Below is a complete list of awards and their recipients.
Doug Wilcox Award for Outstanding Associate Editor of WETLANDS: Dr. Alan Dixon
Fellow Award: Dr. Mark Rains and Dr. Jenny Davis
International Travel Award: Dr. Afrah Saad Mohsen
Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Donald Cahoon
Outstanding Educator Award: Dr. Michelle Stevens
Practitioner Award: Ecobot
President's Service Award: Leandra Cleveland, Ralph Tiner, David Bailey, and Vanessa Lougheed
Learn more about the SWS Awards Program.
Aug 2023 - Prof Linklater leading team of students Air Quality Research
See full story at link:
Environmental Students Organization (ESO) News
Fall 2024 ESO Officers:
- Vice-President = Sub in for President, and helps the club succeed - TBD
- Treasurer = Manage funds with President - TBD
- Secretary = Biweekly newsletter for our members, Attendance for our meetings - TBD
- Liaison = Reaching out guest speakers & other orgs, Answering emails -TBD
- Group Effort = Create slides, Making flyers, Come up with topics/events, Instagram -TBD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Environmental Student Organization (ESO) is a student-run club at Sac State, where members can engage in environmentalism through community-service work, volunteer work, educational efforts, and activism. We’ve been doing this since 1998. We are open to all majors; you just have to be interested in the environment. Even non-students (parents, siblings, & friends) can participate in our events.
We are a chill club, so there are no mandatory commitments or club fees. We do not expect you to come to every meeting and event, but we do appreciate it if you can. Come to any of the meetings/events you’re interested in or have the time to make it. We will always welcome you!
We host bi-weekly meetings where we bring up an environmental issue/topic (sustainability, environmental injustice, pollution, & climate change) and have an open-ended discussion. We do this in a variety of ways:
- A member, usually 1 or 2 officers, makes a PowerPoint slide to do an introduction of a certain environmental issue/topic they’re interested in and leads the discussion.
- Officers showcasing an interesting environmental YouTube video or documentary to spark conversation.
- Guest speakers that work in the environmental field visiting the club. They could be a great resource; talk about how they got there and answer our questions as best they can.
In between the bi-weekly meetings, we have our club events.
Club Events
How can you join & stay connected?
You can join by coming to our meetings and events! Stay connected with us by following our socials below! We post announcements, updates, and photos from meetings/events.
Join our Discord: A place to interact with members online, discuss environmental classes, and ask any questions. ESO Discord Invite Link:
Fall 2024-Spring 2025, ESO are looking for new officers and all positions are up for grabs! No experience is necessary; you just have to be passionate about the Environment and want to get more experience. Any major is welcome as well. If you are interested, please fill out this google form stating your name, email, what position you want to run for, and why you want to be an officer.
- Vice-President = Sub in for President, and helps the club succeed
- Treasurer = Manage funds with President
- Secretary = Biweekly newsletter for our members, Attendance for our meetings
- Liaison = Reaching out guest speakers & other orgs, Answering emails
- Group Effort = Create slides, Making flyers, Come up with topics/events, Instagram
All roles are relatively manageable and "easy." It’s a lot of fun to be a part of a team, and it’s rewarding to craft content and events you have genuine interest in. Being an officer of a club looks very good for your resume. Lastly, we will be there to assist in the transition too!
If you have any questions or concerns about the positions or any of the events, feel free to email us at or message any of the officers on discord.
Fall 2024 Registration (rev May 15 2024)
Week 1 and 2 of Fall 2024 Instruction
Remember waitlists are deleted on Friday prior to the first day of instruction.
You should be able to add yourself to classes with open seats.
If you are trying to add a class that is full:
Face-to-face classes – Show up. if the Instructor says there is seat available you will be instructed to use the OnBase Add form. When the Instructor approves the form, it advances to the ENVS office and you will be manually added to class. It is the Instructor’s responsibility to add you to Canvas.
Online classes – Use the OnBase Add form. If the Instructor approves it, it will advance to the ENVS office and you will be manually added. It is the Instructor’s responsibility to add you to Canvas. .
Graduating Seniors will have priority for being added to classes.
Instructor’s will be dropping students who do not turn up and participate in class, so be sure to check availability often.
If you get an error message when trying to add a class, send a screenshot, along with your ID# and the course and section # of the class to:
Week 3 and 4 of Fall 2024 instruction
Adds during weeks 3 and 4 of instruction must be thru the OnBase Add/Drop form and will require Intructor and Dept. Chair approval. Contact the Instructor to confirm there is a seat available. If yes, remind the instructor to add you to Canvas and discuss a plan to for make-up work, then submit the OnBase form. Allow at least 1 business day for the add to show up in your student center.
Drops during weeks 3 and 4 of instruction must be thru the OnBase Add/Drop form and will require Instructor and Dept. Chair approval. Please provide notes in the OnBase Add/Drop form regarding why you are dropping a class in the 3rd (or 4th week). Be sure to notify your Instructor your intention to drop so the Instructor will drop you from Canvas also.
NOTE: "no-shows" (to either a online class or face-to-face class) during the 1st and 2nd weeks of instructions will be administratively dropped by the 3rd week. Students are responsible for checking their Student Center to make sure they are enrolled in classes they are attending and not enrolled in classes they are not attending. Being added or dropped from Canvas is seperate and different than "official" enrollment.
Sites that previously hired ENVS Interns
Check these sites for availability of Internship sites.
American Conservation Experience (ACE) Amador Ranger District, Pioneer
California Dept of Public Health
City of Davis Parks and Community Services
County of Sacramento
Gold Country Wildlife Rescue
Soil Born Farms
Solano County Water Agency
Wildlife Care Association
City of Roseville / Environmental Services / Wastewater Treatment
Also check the CEC community partner list at