Meet Us
EunMi Cho, Ed.D.

- Location: Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation, School Psychology and Deaf Studies, Eureka Hall 403
- Phone: (916) 278-7547
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Bilingual Special Education, research and teacher trainings on special education issues in Asian countries.
Joël Dubois, Th.D.

- Location: Department of Humanities & Religious Studies, Mendocino Hall 2014
- Phone: (916) 278-7267
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Hinduism, Buddhism, Comparative Religions.
Jeffrey Dym, Ph.D.
Asian Studies Advisor

- Location: Department of History, Tahoe Hall 3099
- Phone: (916) 278-4425
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Modern Japanese Cultural History.
Greg Morae Kim-Ju, Ph.D.
Asian Studies Advisor

- Location: Department of Psychology, Amador Hall 351A
- Phone: (916) 278-6738
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Korean national identity and civic engagement.
Kazue Masuyama, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of World Languages & Literatures, Mariposa Hall 2061
- Phone: (916) 278-5667
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Japanese-language pedagogy, Language assessment, Educational technology, Professional development, Global education, Translation.
Sujatha Moni, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Women's Studies, Amador Hall 560B
- Phone: (916) 278-6696
- Specialty & Interests: Women’s & Gender Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Drama & Performance theory, Literatures of India, South Asia, Psychoanalysis.
James DeShaw Rae, Ph.D.
Asian Studies Director & Advisor

- Location: Department of Political Science, Tahoe Hall 3123
- Phone: (916) 278-7866
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Politics and Society of China and Southeast Asia, Nation-building in Southeast Asia. Research interests focus on human rights and international law, specifically efforts to promote peace and justice.
Raghuraman Trichur, Ph.D.
Asian Studies Vice-Director & Advisor

- Location: Department of Anthropology, Mendocino Hall 4012
- Phone: (916) 278-7266
- Specialty & Interests: South Asia, Political Economy, Colonialism, Nationalism, Globalization, Tourism and Violence.
Michael Vann, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of History, Tahoe Hall 3086
- Phone: (916) 278-4163
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Imperialism and Colonization in Southeast Asia with an emphasis on France in Vietname, History of Race, World History, Film and History, History of Disease, History of Violence.
Kristina Sakamoto Vassil, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of World Languages & Literatures, Mariposa Hall 2063
- Phone: (916) 278-6333
- Specialty & Interests: Modern Japanese literature, prewar Japanese migration to the U.S., Asian American literature and culture, Japanese language pedagogy.
Young-Im Lee, Ph.D.
Asian Studies Advisor

- Location: Department of Political Sciences, Tahoe Hall 3008
- Phone: (916) 278-7090
- Specialty & Interests: Gender and elections in East Asia, South Korean politics.
June Hee Kwon, Ph.D.
Asian Studies Advisor

- Location: Asian Studies Program, Amador Hall 452A
- Phone: (916) 278-7373
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Transnational migration and diaspora, Gendered labor & class formation, Peace & humanitarianism; North/South Korea, China & Japan, Postcolonial & post-Cold War East Asian interconnections.
Curtis Smith, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of World Languages & Literatures, Mariposa Hall 2059
- Phone: (916) 278-6726
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Chinese intellectual history, Medieval Chinese literature, Chinese tea, Gu qin.
Amelia Ying Qin, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Humanities & Religious Studies and Department of History, Mendocino Hall 2018
- Phone: (916) 278-7483
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Cultural and intellectual history of China, and of East Asia in general, as reflected in literature, historiography, art, and philosophical and religious practices.
Derek Lam, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Philosophy, Mendocino Hall 3000
- Phone: (916) 278-6424
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Contemporary philosophy of action and metaphysics, the nature of self-knowledge in Mencius and Nagarjuna’s philosophy’s relevance to contemporary metaphysics of personal identity.
Justin Wu, Ph.D.
Asian Studies Advisor

- Location: Asian Studies Program, Tahoe Hall 3095
- Phone: (916) 278-4440
- Specialty & Interests: Modern history of East Asia, with focus on Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, and Japan; nationalism and identity formation; social movement; global connections.
Nitika Sharma, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Sociology, Amador Hall 454A
- Phone: (916) 278-7578
- Specialty & Interests: South Asian Studies, Asian American Studies, Refugee Studies, Migration Studies.
Rachel Lim, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Ethnic Studies, Amador Hall 463A
- Phone: (916) 278-6646
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Asian American Studies, Migration and Diaspora, Asia & the Americas, Comparative Race & Ethnicity, Korean/American Studies, Citizenship & Belonging, Global Religions.
Joyhanna Yoo Garza, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Anthropology, Mendocino Hall 4022
- Phone: (916) 278-6022
- Specialty & Interests: Contemporary South Korea, popular culture, linguistic anthropology.
Yipaer Aierken, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Art, Kadema Hall 190
- Website
- Office Hours: Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- Specialty & Interests: Asian art, Buddhism and Daoism, Silk Road Studies.
Faculty Affiliates
Serge Lee, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Social Work, Mariposa Hall 5031
- Phone: (916) 278-5820
- Specialty & Interests: Statistics, Research, International Social Work, Mental Health, Southeast Asian Cultures, Immigrants and Refugees, Child Welfare.
Qiaoming Amy Liu, Ph.D.
Asian Studies Advisor

- Location: Department of Sociology, Amador Hall 455D
- Phone: (916) 278-7572
- Specialty & Interests: Survey, Needs Assessment, Program Evaluations & Opinion Polls, Asian Studies & Asian American Studies, Race Relations, Family & Aging, Health & Mental Health, Public Policies.
Ravin Pan, Ph.D.

- Location: College of education, Lassen Hall 2200
- Phone: (916) 278-3776
- Specialty & Interests: Developmental Mathematics, Curriculum, and Mathematics Instruction.
Thien-Huong Ninh, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Sociology, Amador Hall 451C
- Phone: (916) 278-7575
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Religious Diasporas, East Asian Religions, Forced Migration, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender.
Min Min Thaw, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Economics, Benicia Hall 1019
- Phone: (916) 278-4624
- Specialty & Interests: Southeast Asian Economies, Development Economics, Microfinance & Credit, International Trade & Finance, International Banking, Politics & Economics of Myanmar/Burma.
Kikuko Omori, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Communication Studies, Mendocino Hall 5018
- Phone: (916) 278-6782
- Specialty & Interests: Intercultural communication, Japanese/Japanese Americans, social media, health communication, online education.
Eunyoung Ha, Ph.D.

- Location: Asian Studies Program, Amador Hall 452A
- Phone: (916) 278-4396
- Specialty & Interests: Asian studies and Korean politics; political economy, globalization, partisan politics, inequality, and political polarization.
Ahrum Chang, Ph.D.

- Location: Public Policy & Administration, 304 S Street
- Phone: (916) 278-4864
- Specialty & Interests: Public Service Delivery and Bureaucracy, South Korean Government Organizations, Asian Public Policy & Administration, Social Equity & Justice.
Rey Jeong, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Art, Kadema Hall 196
- Phone: (916) 278-6166
- Specialty & Interests: Socially engaged art exploring Asian women’s visibility, displacement, and embodiment within diasporic contexts.
Emeritus Faculty
Pattaratorn Chirapravati, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Art, Kadema Hall 194
- Phone: (916) 278-3880
- Pronouns: she/her
- Website
- Specialty & Interests: Southeast Asian Art history, SEA history, the mainland SEA, Indian Art and Philosophy, Buddhist art. Research interests are on the political uses of religious icons.
Jay Bouton Crain, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Anthropology, Mendocino Hall 4010
- Phone: (916) 278-6452
- Specialty & Interests: Social Anthropology (Borneo, Trobriand Islands), Medical Anthropology (Singapore, Java).
Lewis Robinson, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of World Languages & Literatures, Mariposa Hall 2051A
- Phone: (916) 278-4998
Richard Shek, Ph.D.

- Location: Department of Humanities & Religious Studies, Mendocino Hall 2022
- Phone: (916) 278-5331
- Specialty & Interests: Chinese cultural and religious history, with a cross-disciplinary approach based on literature, philosophy, religion, and material culture.