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Department of Anthropology College of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies

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Undergraduate Anthropology Program

The Four Subfields


Archaeology focuses on the material remains of human societies from the remote and recent past with emphasis on reconstructing and understanding past modes of human cultural adaptation and change.

Biological Anthropology

Biological Anthropology is a biological science that deals with adaptations, variability and evolution of humans, and our living and fossil relatives. It is also a social science because biological anthropologists study human biology within the context of culture and behavior. Simply put, they study humans from a biocultural perspective across space and time. Physical Anthropology describes and compares world human biology. Focuses on humans and their primate order, and seeks to document and understand the interplay of culture and biology in the course of human evolution and adaptation.

Linguistic Anthropology

Linguistic anthropology studies the role of language in the social lives of individuals and communities. Linguistic anthropology explores how language shapes communication in the role of social identity, group membership, and establishing cultural beliefs and ideologies.

Sociocultural Anthropology

Cultural and Social Anthropology deals with the social lives of people around the world, including our own society: economic systems, legal practices, kinship, religions, medical practices, folklore, arts and political systems, as well as the interrelationship of these systems in environmental adaptation and social change. Anthropological Linguistics deals with varied aspects of human language and the characteristics of nonhuman communication systems, to achieve an understanding of past and present human language systems and their significance in social life.

Museum Statues


Archaeology and Biological Anthropology

Archaeology and Biological Anthropology (ABA): emphasizes a scientific approach to anthropology. Studying diverse topics including; evolutionary processes, human variation, ecology, skeletal analysis and zoo-archaeology, it prepares students for careers in the anthropological sciences in both the public and private sectors, such as cultural resources management, forensic science; collections management, and advanced graduate studies in anthropological sciences or related disciplines.

Culture, Language and Society

The Culture, Language & Society concentration develops knowledge, skills and perspectives to understand and engage with our diverse, interconnected world. It is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to pursue graduate work or post-baccalaureate careers in government, the non-profit sector, education, healthcare or other contexts that require attention to cultural and linguistic dynamics.

General Anthropology

General Anthropology (GA): constitutes a solid liberal arts foundation that prepares students for careers and graduate studies in fields that call for a broad exposure to anthropological knowledge. Students, under the guidance of a faculty advisor, can also choose to customize a program of study to pursue individualized academic or professional interests.

Guy West Bridge birds eye view.


Semester - Major Advisor

*All students will be assigned an advisor acording to their concentration. Each student must meet with their Anthropology faculty advisor within their first semester and as needed during the regular semester to consult about career and schedule/major reqirements. To locate your student Advisor, long in to your Student Center, click under Advisor. Students can contact their advisor directly via e-mail to set up an appointment or stop by during Faculty Office Hours.

Summer/Winter Breaks - Major Advising

Contact the Department Chair Dr. Liam Murphy at

NEW Curriculum Changes- Major Advising Drop-in Worksheets


Use worksheets to tack courses taken and completed. Meet with your advisor if you have any questions






Use roadmaps below according to your concentration to guide you with which courses to take each semester.






  • Archaeological and Biological Anthropology - 4 Year
  • Language Culture and Society - 4 Year
  • General Anthropology - 4 Year


  • Archaeological and Biological Anthropology - transfer
  • General Anthropology - transfer
  • Language Culture and Society - transfer



  • Archaeological and Biological Anthropology - 4 Year
  • Language Culture and Society - 4 Year
  • General Anthropology - 4 Year


  • Archaeological and Biological Anthropology - transfer
  • General Anthropology - transfer
  • Language Culture and Society - transfer





Data Barata Culture, Language & Society or General Anthropology
Adam Berrey Archaeology and Biological Anthropology or General Anthropology
Jacob Fisher Archaeology and Biological Anthropology or General Anthropology
Rachel Flamenbaum Culture, Language & Society or General Anthropology
Samantha Hens Archaeology and Biological Anthropology or General Anthropology
Liam Murphy Culture, Language & Society or General Anthropology
Megan Raschig Culture, Language & Society or General Anthropology
Clara Scarry Archaeology and Biological Anthropology or General Anthropology
Nandini Singh Archaeology and Biological Anthropology or General Anthropology
Nathan Stevens Archaeology and Biological Anthropology or General Anthropology
Roger Sullivan Archaeology and Biological Anthropology or General Anthropology
Raghuraman Trichur Culture, Language & Society or General Anthropology
David Zeanah Archaeology and Biological Anthropology or General Anthropology