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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics California State University, Sacramento

Support Page Content


Committee Charge

The NSM Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a standing committee dedicated to building learning and working environments that welcome, affirm, value, and support a diverse body of students, faculty, and staff. The committee is charged with (1) evaluating current efforts to further diversity, equity, and inclusion within the College; (2) assisting departments and the College in developing anti-discriminatory strategies (e.g., related to race, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, religion, etc.); (3) advising the College on issues and opportunities of diversity, equity, and inclusion; (4) providing guidance on the allocation of resources to support college efforts in these areas.

Current Topics

This semester, the DEI committee is focusing on:

  • Retaining diverse full-time faculty, part-time faculty and staff
  • Collecting data on diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice (DEIBJ) in the college.
  • Increasing student success
  • Sharing actionable strategies and highlighting case studies from our college on DEIBJ practices in the classroom and research
  • Organizing a college-wide seminar with research on DEI

Highlighting People

Dr. Enid Gonzalez-Orta

Dr. Monica Gonzalez joined the Chemistry Department at Sacramento State as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2023. Originally from Yuba City and the surrounding Northern California region, Dr. Gonzalez earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Biochemistry from CSU Chico. She then pursued her doctoral studies at UC Berkeley, where she focused on developing fluorescent sensors to monitor changes in cellular membrane potential in Professor Evan Miller’s lab. Following her Ph.D., Dr. Gonzalez joined Professor David Olson’s lab at UC Davis, where her work centered on developing bioassays to study the effects of growth-promoting compounds on neurons.

At Sacramento State, Dr. Gonzalez aims to leverage her diverse expertise to study the neurotoxicity of pesticides. She is committed to equipping students with relevant skills and access to the latest technologies to prepare them for careers in the workforce and graduate studies. Dr. Gonzalez is currently enhancing the CHEM 162 General Biochemistry Laboratory curriculum by integrating a mammalian tissue culture unit and is actively seeking funding for a new microscope to support both her research and teaching.

Your Voice

We want to hear about your experiences with diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice (DEIBJ) on our campus, as well as your ideas about how we can better advance DEIBJ.

DEI Resources: Student STEM Organizations that advance DEIBJ

Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) at Sac State

SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to advancing Hispanics/Chicanos & Native Americans in Science - from college students to professionals - to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership.

Women in STEM at Sac State

An organization that aims to inspire women to achieve greatness in STEM.

Science Educational Equity (SEE)

Comprehensive academic support program for CSUS students who face social, economic, and educational barriers to careers in the health professions, science research, and science teaching.

Queer in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (q-STEM)

Driven toward creating a visible and inclusive community focused on LGBTQIA Identities within the STEM fields at Sacramento State, the purpose of qSTEM is to create a safe space where students can celebrate their identities, bring awareness on issues affecting the LGBTQIA community, and to cultivate STEM talent and leadership.

Multicultural Organization of Science Students (MOSS)

MOSS is dedicated to providing a supportive system for students of diverse ethnic heritage, who are interested in pursuing careers in the health professions, math and science research, and/or teaching.

Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initiative (BPSHI)

The CSU Sacramento chapter of BPSHI is dedicated to help the neglected communities around NorCal by providing the proper resources and knowledge to get those in need the help they deserve. In an effort to spread health awareness and social justice our members are helping improve the lives of many individuals amongst the underserved communities.

Astronomy and Physics for Gender Inclusivity (APGI)

As a club, we strive to provide resources of camaraderie, mentorship, and academic support to current students interested in physics & astronomy. Our goal is to create a space within our department that is safe for and supportive of women and other underrepresented genders interested in physics and astronomy. We are also dedicated to ensuring that the next generation of scientists sees themselves represented within physics and astronomy through community outreach. Through outreach, we hope to encourage young women and gender minorities to facilitate and pursue any interest they may have in science.

STEM Research & Teaching Conferences that Advance DEIBJ

SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference

“The largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the country, the SACNAS conference is a gathering which serves to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM.” -SACNAS

Annual Biological Research Conference for Minoritized Students (ABRCMS)

“For over 20 years, the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS)…has been the go-to conference for underrepresented community college, undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. As ABRCMS has continued to grow and evolve, it has also become a space for graduate students, postdocs, faculty, program administrators and more.” -ABRCMS

Accelerating Systemic Change in STEM Higher Education (ASCN)

“The Accelerating Systemic Change Network (ASCN) will serve as an open, interdisciplinary, professional network and intellectual home for individuals and groups in a broad range of disciplines who are engaged in creating and/or studying change in higher education. The ultimate vision of ASCN is that students in every institutional setting experience teaching that aligns with what we know about how people learn, and that draws in and supports all students.” -ASCN

Other Conferences that Advance DEIBJ in Academia

American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U)

“AAC&U offers a series of annual conferences that foster reflection, discovery, innovation, and action on critical and emerging issues in undergraduate education.”-AAC&U webpage

Resources for Inclusive Teaching & Mentoring in STEM