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CSU Louis Stokes STEM Pathways & Research Alliance College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

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Program Goals

CSU-LSAMP’s overall goal is to develop a STEM workforce that is broadly inclusive, globally competitive, and prepared to participate at the frontiers of science. Specifically, CSU-LSAMP aims:

  1. to increase the number of students from underrepresented (UR) racial and ethnic groups graduating with undergraduate and graduate STEM degrees*;
  2. to produce scholarly research in broadening participation in STEM;
  3. to assess current and continuing institutionalization and sustainability efforts in CSU-LSAMP with the aim of identifying remaining actions the Alliance might further address

Goal 1 will be achieved through Alliance activities designed to (i) enhance the academic and professional preparation of CSU-LSAMP participants, (ii) improve persistence and graduation rates for CSU-LSAMP participants, (iii) increase the aggregate production of STEM degrees awarded by the CSU to UR students, and (iv) increase the number of CSU-LSAMP students who advance to, and complete STEM graduate study.

Goal 2 will be achieved by conducting research focused on understanding the role that research mentor training and specific mentoring practices, including attention to cultural diversity, play in influencing the future academic and career decisions of undergraduate researchers. Results of research studies will be broadly disseminated to ensure the replication of successful undergraduate intervention models that increase access to, and success in, STEM baccalaureate degree programs and facilitate admissions to STEM graduate programs.

Goal 3 will be achieved by the development of an institutionalization and sustainability rubric, based upon best practices of inclusive STEM undergraduate activities and the goals of the CSU-LSAMP program.

*Although the goals and anticipated outcomes are stated in terms of improving UR participation in STEM, it is important to emphasize that CSU-LSAMP does not limit participation to UR students or provide UR students preference in admission.

Program Objectives

As a STEM Pathways and Research Alliance, CSU-LSAMP has three overall program objectives, modeled after the three critical components of the LSAMP program theory: (1) academic integration; (2) professionalization; and (3) social integration. CSU-LSAMP's specific objectives for 2024-2029 include the following:

  • Objective 1: STEM Excellence – Support students at critical transition points in their STEM education
    (e.g., entering as first-year students, transferring from community college, declaring a major in a
    STEM discipline) and in STEM “gatekeeper” courses with the goal of improving student performance
    and persistence in STEM.
  • Objective 2: Pathways to STEM Careers – Support students in professionalization and disciplinary
    socialization by providing opportunities in research, internships, international activities, conferences,
    leadership roles, professional development, and graduate school preparation activities with the goal of increasing the number of students entering graduate programs and professional careers in STEM.
  • Objective 3: STEM Identity – Support student experiences that are important for socialization into
    STEM culture and careers with activities that build a sense of identity, belonging, and community
    within STEM disciplines.