Support Page Content
STEM Preteaching Program
The STEM Preteaching Program is for students interested in pursuing a teaching credential and career as a middle or high school science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) teacher. The program provides students with 1) internship opportunities in local schools that meet the field requirements for the credential program, 2) advising for the Single Subject Matter Programs, and 3) an opportunity to network with other pre-teaching students and educational leaders through the STEAM Pre-teaching Club.
The STEM Preteaching Program is supported by the Math and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI).
Contact Dr. Brianna Santangelo, for more information at
Interested in Teaching Middle or High School?
If you are interested in learning more about teaching STEM at the middle or high school level, please fill out this brief survey.
Student Scholarship Opportunities
The Robert Noyce Scholarship Program is for upper-division undergraduate STEM students who are pursuing a career in teaching. The deadline is April 8, 2022. Apply Here!
View all CSUS scholarships at
Clubs/ Organizations
Future Teachers in STEM Fill out this brief survey to be included on the Club's emailing list. Click Here. You can also visit the Hornet Hub to view additional club info.
Elementary STEAM Pre-teaching Club Complete this form to become an official member of the Elementary STEAM Pre-Teaching Club! You can also visit the Hornet Hub to view additional club info
Not your Parents' High School Experience: The New STEM classroomThursday 10/13 from 5-6:45pm in SQU 320
Please RVSP so we can have enough food!