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CURES and PBL resources
Worcester Polytechnical Institute - Project Based Learning
The Center for Project-Based Learning, launched in 2016, uses over 50 years of WPI’s experience and expertise in project-based learning to support faculty and administrators from colleges and universities around the world in their efforts to implement, improve, evaluate, or integrate project-based learning on their campuses.
Sacramento State's SIRIUS II Project
The Expanded Sustainable Interdisciplinary Research to Inspire Undergraduate Success (SIRIUS II) Project aims to provide interdisciplinary authentic learning experiences (ALEs) to STEM students across 67 courses at five institutions in the Sacramento Region.
Buck Institute - PBL Works
Buck Institute's PBL works' vision is for all students, especially Black and Brown students, to engage in high-quality Project Based Learning to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life.
Rube Goldberg Machine Design - PBL paper, IEEE
This paper presents an integration of a loosely defined design project in an introductory electrical engineering course. The proposed project aims to introduce first-year engineering students to the world of electrical engineering and develop their general engineering skills. Because of its innovative and unconventional nature, a Rube Goldberg machine has been used as the project vehicle.
Teaching introductory electrical engineering: Project-based learning experience
Future Learning Initiative - PBL for Electrical Engineering
This project focuses on creating a “Center for Project-Based Learning” (PBL) for electrical engineering that aims at leveraging the fullest extent of the vertical coverage and diversity at the department of information technology and electrical engineering (D-ITET).