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ECS Academic Council
The Academic Council is the primary body that represents and acts on behalf of the college faculty in formulating and implementing the academic mission of the college.
A major responsibility of the Academic Council is to serve as the college-level review body for curricula (courses and programs) proposed by departments. The Academic Council’s approval shall constitute a positive recommendation to the Faculty Senate. Upon request from the Dean or the faculty, or through its own initiative, the Academic Council may also propose policy, conduct investigations, and otherwise advise the Dean and the faculty on academic issues. At the end of the academic year, the Academic Council shall formally solicit feedback from the faculty with regards to the college such as operations and academic issues, and shall disseminate the results.
Please note that all proposals must be submitted electronically at least 1 week before a Council meeting in order to receive full consideration at that meeting. Please plan accordingly. All submissions should be made through Curriculum Workflow at the Course and Program Proposals link provided below.
Supporting documents, such as syllabi, can be attached to the online form. Proposing Faculty and Department representatives are encouraged to attend meetings to support their proposals.
Academic Council Members for AY 2021-2023
See below for the current list of college and department representatives.
College Representatives
2 year term from Fall 2021 to Spring 2023. Elected by the College.
Civil Engineering: Masoud Abadi - Chair
Construction Management: Vacant
Computer Science: Parham Phoulady
Electrical & Electronic Engineering: Praveen Meduri
Mechanical Engineering: Farshid Zabihian
Ex-Officio: Behnam Arad
Department Representatives
2 year term from Fall 2021 to Spring 2023. Elected by the departments.
Civil Engineering: Zoi Dokou (Associate Chair)
Construction Management: Vacant
Computer Science: Nik Faroughi
Electrical & Electronic Engineering: Mohammed Eltayeb
Mechanical Engineering: Ray Tang
Forms & Useful Links
- Blooms Taxonomy Action Verbs
- Syllabus Checklist
- Sample Syllabus
- For more information regarding course and program proposal forms, proposal checklists, and training resources, please refer to the Academic Affairs Curriculum Workflow site.