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Other Scholarships For ECS Students
Many companies and professional organizations also offer scholarships which may be not found in the CSUS online scholarship app. ECS students are encouraged to seek out and apply for these, as they often have few applicants. A list of some of these scholarships can be found on this page.
If you are a professional organization and wish to showcase a scholarship for which our ECS student qualify please contact Dr. Behnam Arad, Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
Scholarships are organized in order of deadlines.
Jan 5 - National Society of Black Engineers
National Society of Black Engineers - Deadline: Jan 5
- Grad Student Travel Grant
- Graduate Student Scholarship
- Leroy Callendar NSBE Jr. Scholarship
- NSBE Academic Improvement Scholarship
- NSBE BCA/Major/Fellows Scholarship
- NSBE Fulfilling the Legacy Scholarship
- NSBE Jr. Golden Torch Scholarship
- NSBE Jr. Graduating Senior Scholarship
- NSBE Study Abroad Scholarship
- Analog Devices Foundation Scholarship
- Deloitte Foundation Scholarship
- Eaton Corporation Scholarship
- ExxonMobil Scholarship
- GEI Consultants, Inc. Scholarship
- LP Building Solutions Scholarship
- NV5 Global, Inc. Scholarship
- Ramboll Scholarship
- UPS Scholarship
Jan 26 - American Council of Engineering Companies, California
ACEC California Scholarships.
ACEC California is a nonprofit association of private consulting engineering and land surveying firms. As a statewide organization, we are dedicated to enhancing the consulting engineering and land surveying professions.
Deadline: January 26
Feb 28 - Construction Management Association of America
Construction Management Association of America - Deadline: Feb 28
- One Scholarship at $7,500 (CM/CE majors, 3.3 min GPA)
- One Scholarship at $5,000 (CM/CE majors, 3.3 min GPA)
- Two Scholarships at $2,500 (CM/CE majors, 3.0 min GPA)
- Two Scholarships at $1,250 (CM/CE majors, 3.0 min GPA)
Mar 1 - Sacramento Post of the Society of Military Engineers
Sacramento Post of the Society of Military Engineers - Deadline: March 1
- Awards range from $1,000 to $4,000.
- Additionally: 2023 Engineering and Construction Camp - Deadline: March 15. The Sacramento Post will sponsor two candidates local to our area to attend the Camp. Camp applications are submitted directly to SAME National.
Mar 14 - Executive Leadership Council
The ELC Scholarship Program is accepting applications for just TWO MORE WEEKS! Please share with any promising college students looking to advance their careers in business, engineering or technology?
One of our sponsors, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, specifically would like to award students from Sacramento State. More details can be found at ELC Scholarship Program Info.
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Mar 14 - American Public Works Association (APWA), Sacramento Chapter
American Public Works Association (APWA), Sacramento Chapter - Deadline: March 14
- James C. Ray Transportation Scholarship ($2,500)
- APWA Scholarship for University Students (up to $3,000)
Mar 15 - Association of California Water Agencies
Association of California Water Agencies - Deadline: March 15
- Clair A. Hill Scholarship ($5,000)
- ACWA Scholarship - Two $3,500 scholarships
Apr 14 - American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Sacramento
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Sacramento - Deadline: Apr 14
- Alfred R. Golze Scholarships at $1,000 to $5,000 (CE majors)
Apr 30 - Great Minds in STEM (GMiS) Scholarship
Great Minds in STEM (GMiS) Scholarship at $500 to $5,000 (all ECS majors) - Deadline: April 30
Apr 30 - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (EEE/CPE majors) - Deadline: April 30
- Multiple scholarships accessible through IEEE's search & filter functionality.
May 1 - Advanced American Construction, Inc. Schweiger Memorial
Advanced American Construction, Inc. - Schweiger Memorial Scholarship ($10,000) - Deadline: May 1
Apr 30 - Floodplain Management Association College Scholarship Program
About the Floodplain Management Association Scholarship Program
FMA College Scholarship - Deadline: Apr 30
James R. Schaaf Civil Engineering Scholarship - Deadline: May 1
May 15 - California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA)
California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) scholarship - $5,000 - Deadline: May 15
Oct 20 - COMTO NorCal - Northern California Chapter
COMTO NorCal - Northern California Chapter of the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials
($2000 - $6000) - Deadline: October 20
Dec 10 - California Transportation Foundation (CTF) Scholarships
California Transportation Foundation (CTF) Scholarships
- Tim Fleming Memorial Scholarship (CE transportation major) – Deadline: Dec 10
- Buser Memorial Scholarship (CE major, 2.5 min GPA)
- Transportation Endowed Scholarship (CE major) – not currently available
- H. Heckerorth Endowed Scholarship (CE major) – not currently available
Dec 16 - Barry Goldwater
The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
(up to $7500) - Deadline: December 16