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Outstanding Faculty Awards

The Outstanding Faculty Awards, established by the Academic Senate in 1992, are presented in recognition of the importance of teaching and the role of the faculty in the shared governance of our University. The awards commend the superior accomplishments of our faculty, acknowledge our sense of community, and honor the recipients' commitment to excellence.

Recipients of these awards are recognized for having positively affected the life of the University through their teaching, service, or scholarly and creative activities, displaying a consistent and strong commitment to students throughout their careers at California State University, Sacramento.

2024-2025 Recipients

Community Service

Dr. Azizi Penn - Computer Science

The Community Service Award recognizes and highlights the important connection between the University’s mission and the faculty’s application of knowledge and skills in addressing community needs.

All 2024-2025 Community Service Award Recipients

Scholarly and Creative Activity

Dr. Praveen Meduri - Electrical & Electronic Engineering

The Scholarly and Creative Activity Award reflects the importance of scholarship and discipline-related works in the life and role of the faculty and recognizes and honors outstanding researchers, writers, artists and those who have made significant contributions to their respective fields.

All 2024-2025 Scholarly and Creative Activity Award Recipients


Dr. Jose E. Garcia - Civil Engineering

The Teaching Award affirms the importance of teaching in the life of the faculty and recognizes and honors outstanding teachers for their teaching effectiveness and their impact on the lives of their students.

All 2024-2025 Teaching Award Recipients

University Service

Dr. Ghazan Khan - Civil Engineering

The Award affirms the importance of faculty participation in the governance of the University, recognizes and honors faculty for their outstanding contributions as members of committees, as chairs of committees, for their efforts in curriculum development and advising or special assignments at the department, college and university level.

All 2023-2024 University Service Award Recipients

All ECS Teaching Award Recipients

The Teaching Award recognizes the recipient's teaching effectiveness, as established over the most recent five-year period. In addition, the Teaching Award is based upon the recipient's impact on the lives and careers of students, as evidenced over the tenure of the nominee at Sacramento State.

All forms of the teaching duties of faculty members at Sacramento State are appropriate for recognition: undergraduate and graduate level teaching, lectures, seminars, laboratories, clinical practica, fieldwork supervision, etc.

Year Name Department
2023-2024 Haiquan 'Victor" Chen Computer Science
2022-2023 Masoud Ghodrat Abadi Civil Engineering
2021-2022 Jun Dai Computer Science
2020-2021 Xiaoyan Sun Computer Science
2017-2018 Ted Krovetz Computer Science
2015-2016 Ghazan Khan Civil Engineering
2013-2014 Behnam Arad Computer Science
2012-2013 Scott Gordon Computer Science
2011-2012 Patrick Homen Mechanical Engineering
2010-2011 Benjamin Fell Civil Engineering
2009-2010 Tim Marbach Mechanical Engineering
2008-2009 Turan Gonen Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2007-2008 Perry Heedly Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2006-2007 John Clevenger Computer Science
2005-2006 Tien-I Liu Mechanical Engineering
2004-2005 Martin Meyers Computer Science
2003-2004 John Oldenberg Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2002-2003 James Bergquam Mechanical Engineering
2001-2002 Cui Zhang Computer Science
2000-2001 Estelle Eke Mechanical Engineering
1999-2000 Preetham B. Kumar Electrical & Electronic Engineering
1998-1999 Fred Reardon Mechanical Engineering
1997-1998 Jean-Pierre Bayard Electrical & Electronic Engineering
1996-1997 Turan Gonen Electrical & Electronic Engineering
1995-1996 John Gwynn Jr. Computer Science
1994-1995 Kenneth Kerri Civil Engineering
1993-1994 John L. Clevenger Computer Science
1992-1993 S. K. Ramesh Electrical & Electronic Engineering

All ECS Scholarly & Creative Activity Award Recipients

The Scholarly & Creative Activity Award is based on the recipient’s significant scholarship or creative activities, including the impact on recipient’s field(s) of study as well as the impact of the scholarly and creative activities on the university and students.

Year Name Department
2023-2024 Zoi Dokou Civil Engineering
2022-2023 Xiaoyan Sun Computer Science
2021-2022 Jose Granda Mechanical Engineering
2020-2021 Ted Krovetz Computer Science
2018-2019 Jun Dai Computer Science
2017-2018 Ghazan Khan Civil Engineering
2014-2015 Saad Merayyan Civil Engineering
2012-2013 Benjamin Fell Civil Engineering
2011-2012 Kevan Shafizadeh Civil Engineering
2010-2011 Du Zhang Computer Science
2004-2005 Preetham Kumar Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2003-2004 Du Zhang Computer Science
2002-2003 Jose Granda Mechanical Engineering
2000-2001 Ralph Hwang Civil Engineering
1999-2000 Tien- I Liu Mechanical Engineering
1998-1999 Cui Zhang Computer Science
1997-1998 Warren Smith Electrical & Electronic Engineering
1996-1997 Du Zhang Computer Science
1995-1996 Francois Cheong-Siat-Moy Civil Engineering
1994-1995 John Balachandra Electrical & Electronic Engineering

All ECS University Service Award Recipients

The University Service Award is based on contributions to the faculty member’s department through their leadership and work as a member or chair of a committee and/or by carrying out special assignments for the department. Two examples of contributions are curriculum development and student advising.

Year Name Department
2023-2024 Troy Topping Mechanical Engineering
2022-2023 Anna Baynes Computer Science
2021-2022 Anna Baynes Computer Science
2020-2021 Julie Fogarty Civil Engineering
2018-2019 Milica Markovic Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2017-2018 Jinsong Ouyang Computer Science
2015-2016 Benjamin Fell Civil Engineering
2013-2014 Ted Krovetz Computer Science
2012-2013 Mary Jane Lee Computer Science
2011-2012 Bob Buckley Computer Science
2010-2011 Scott Gordon Computer Science
2009-2010 Ken Sprott Mechanical Engineering
2008-2009 Jose Granda Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2007-2008 Akihiko Kumagai Mechanical Engineering
2006-2007 Anne-Louise Radmisky Computer Science
2005-2006 Susan Holl Mechanical Engineering
2004-2005 Ronald Becker Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2003-2004 Cui Zhang Computer Science
2002-2003 Jean-Pierre Bayard Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2001-2002 Anne-Louise Radimsky Computer Science

All ECS Community Service Award Recipients

The Community Service Award is based on service that applies the recipient’s professional knowledge and skills to addressing community needs, and thus represents the university as a resource to the region. The award recognizes activities such as:

  • Creation of new opportunities for students to combine learning and service, e.g., service learning courses, internships, Master’s theses, and participation in civic improvement and/or citizen action projects.
  • Acquisition of grant funds and other resources for the university.
  • Creation of new research and consultation opportunities for faculty.

Impact on the community may include but is not limited to:

  • Positive outcomes of the service activity on quality of life in the Sacramento region or beyond – outcomes may be economic, social, or cultural.
  • Positive outcomes for specific public benefit agencies, organizations, and/or vulnerable populations.

Year Name Department
2023-2024 Preetham Kumar Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2022-2023 Ghazan Khan Civil Engineering
2021-2022 Anna Baynes Computer Science
2018-2019 Warren Smith Electrical & Electronic Engineering
2013-2014 John Clevenger Computer Science
2010-2011 Mikael Anderson Civil Engineering