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Our Purpose Statement
COB Organizational Wisdom Studio brings together scholars, students, artists, and practitioners in a vibrant interdisciplinary platform where they can co-create research-based wisdom to help people enhance their leadership capacities to pursue happier organizational experiences.
AASCB Thought Leadership Article Featuring Wisdom Studio
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Wisdom Studio Video Episode Series
Wisdom Studio Video Episode Series, produced with support from the Provost's Office at Sacramento State University, intends to serve as a resource for employees, students, and larger society in their efforts to ehance their health, happiness, and performance.

Series-1: Pursuing Organizational Wisdom in a Pandemic
This track presents interdisciplinary video series to seek organizational wisdom during the social isolation period. Episodes host internationally recognized scholars, artists and business leaders exploring new thinking in organizational wisdom and leadership to overcome challenges resulting from to the pandemic.
Pursuing Organizational Wisdom in a Pandemic
Series-2: Leading with Emotional Intelligence Film Festival Selections
This track features film projects produced by the Human Resource Management students, featured in COB Annual Film Festival within a time period spanning more than a decade, at the Sacramento State University. These comedy films explore how emotionally intelligent leadership can make a difference in organizations.
Watch Series-2: Leading with Emotional Intelligence Film Festival Selections
Leading with Emotional Intelligence Film Festival Selections
Series-3: Work-Life Wisdom - Understanding Anger in Organizations
This track brings an interdisciplinary lens to better understand anger in organizations by integrating insights from academic research, executive practice, arts, music, and theater. In an era where emotions run high, these 7 interrelated episodes address a need to better understand, reflect on, regulate, and respond to anger in daily work interactions.
Watch Series-3: Work-Life Wisdom - Understanding Anger in Organizations
Work-Life Wisdom - Understanding Anger in Organizations
Series-4: Rebalancing Wisely Towards Well-Being
Our era calls for new forms of leadership with capacities that address organizations’ post-pandemic needs. This playlist presents episodes that explore this topic, integrating insights from the COB Organizational Wisdom Studio's live event on “Rebalancing Wisely Towards Well-Being”.
COB Organizational Wisdom Studio Special Episode: Highlights from Lives
Wisdom Studio Live Events
Wisdom Studio Live Event-3: Rebalancing Wisely Towards Well-Being
Organized on May 1, 2023, University Studio.
Download the Wisdom Studio Event Program
COB Organizational Wisdom Studio Live Event on Entrepreneurship:
Developing Wisdom to Manage Emotional Energy in Entrepreneurship - November 21, 2019, Hinde Auditorium, University Union, CSUS
Download the Wisdom Studio Event Program
Inaugural COB Organizational Wisdom Studio Event:
A Wise Approach to Addressing Anger in Organizations - November 15, 2017, Tsakopoulos Public Library Galleria
Download the Wisdom Studio Event Program
Testimonials, Videos & Photos
To Support The Wisdom Studio
You can donate to support our upcoming projects via this official link: