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Band Camp
FALL 2024: Monday-Friday, August 19-23
1:00 - 6:00 p.m. - Capistrano Hall
General Info
The Marching Band is typically called upon to give performances early in the semester. As such, rehearsals start before the regular first day of school - welcome to Band Camp! Do your very best to attend as much of camp as possible. This season promises to be a very exciting year!
For camp, you need to wear a t-shirt, shorts, and TENNIS SHOES (no cowboy boots, flip flops, high heels, etc.). Bring snacks for yourself (if desired) and water (we recommend reusable water bottles). These rehearsals will be both indoor musical and outdoor musical and marching/movement rehearsals, and you need to dress appropriately. And please, bring sunscreen! Be sure to arrive a little early on the first day to fill out any necessary paperwork with the band.
Please continue reading below for additional information on instrument check out, parking, and non-University persons participating in the Marching Band.
Instrument/Locker Checkout
If you need to check out a University instrument, please see the instrument technician, Dan Truitt. He is located in Capistrano Hall Room 133.
Lockers can also be acquired in advance from Glenn Disney in Room 121.
NOTE: ALL band members who are NOT enrolled in the MUSC 142M course (including non-University students) will need to pay the $40 Music Service Fee using the Public User form available outside of Capistrano Hall Room 133, before checking out an instrument or locker. Enrolled students will have this fee posted on their account at the start of the semester.

Parking Info for Band Camp
If you will be driving into campus but do not have a Sac State Fall 2023 permit, you will need to buy a daily virtual parking permit ($8). These can be obtained from the machine on the 5th floor of the parking structure, or you can buy them in advance from the Sac State Mobile App. Visit the UTAPS page for info.

The Marching Band will be accepting adult (18+) members who are not Sac State students in Fall 2024 (i.e. junior college students). To participate, you will need to complete the University Volunteer process before joining the Marching Band. Visit the Community Info page for more information on that process.