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The Music Major at Sacramento State is a rigorous four-year (Undergrad) or two-year (Graduate) course of study with a traditional conservatory curriculum, providing classical or jazz training. We offer the following degrees:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Music
- Instrumental, Keyboard, Voice, Theory/Composition
- Jazz Studies (performance or education emphasis)
- Music Education
- Minor in Music
- Master of Music
- Graduate Performer's Certificate
All of our degree concentrations have performance as a foundation. In addition to applying for admission to Sac State, all applicants must complete an entrance audition (except Graduate candidates in Composition - see the Audition Info sheet).
Explore our Degree Opportunities
Open House
High school seniors and transfer students! Make plans now to attend our annual Open House, held in October. This annual free event typically runs from around 10am-3pm, and will give you a chance to meet our professors and students, tour our facilities, enjoy a short program of live music by our music majors, and enjoy a free buffet brunch as well.
The next Open House is tentatively scheduled for October 12, 2025.
Apply to Sac State
The first step to becoming a Music Major at Sac State is to complete a admission application to California State University, Sacramento. The application period for Fall 2025 runs October 1, 2024 – December 2, 2024. Select the correct option below:
First Time Freshman
Transfer Student
Graduate Student*
International Student
* Graduate student applicants should read the Graduate Admissions Supplement for important information relating to your application
** (Undergradate compostion majors: Review the Theory/Composition admission requirements for additional materials required at the time of your audition).
Audition Process
Once you've applied for admission to Sac State, select your audition repertoire (see the Audition Info table below) and submit an Audition Application to the School of Music for the correct semester of entrance.
Fall 2025 Audition Application
- Prior to completing the Audition Application above, we recommend that you create lists of:
- Previous private instructors
- Performance group experiences
- Repertoire studied (at the end of this section in the Application, you are welcome to submit a statement of purpose for your desire to study Music at Sac State).
- MARK YOUR CALENDARS: if you're planning on entering in Fall 2025, live auditions will take place on Sunday, February 9, 2025. Contact
Mark Allen, Music Admissions
(916) 278-6543

Audition Info/Repertoire
The faculty of the School of Music has compiled lists of suggested repertoire for your entrance audition, as well as some basic information on what your studies here at Sac State will include. Below are links for individual instruments and areas of study. (This information assumes that you have already completed a Sac State admission application. You may audition prior to acceptance to Sacramento State.)
Scholarship Info
Scholarships are awarded based on the strength of your Entrance Audition. To qualify for scholarship consideration, you must audition on or before the February audition date (for the following academic year awards).
Regardless of your intended concentration in music, you must complete the University Scholarship Application. Applications become available on October 1 and the deadline to apply is February 1 during the academic year preceding entrance to the School of Music.
Placement Exams
All entering Undergraduate music majors must take the theory, musicianship, and piano placement exams prior to initial enrollment (all music minors must take the theory and musicianship exams only). The theory and musicianship placement exams may be taken only once. The results of these exams will determine whether the entering student will begin the theory, musicianship, and class piano sequence in any of the lower-division courses or in the upper division.
Read More On The Placement Tests

Shadow Day
Want to learn more? Consider a Shadow Day! Spend a day with us on a weekday, and join one of our students as you attend classes, lessons, and rehearsals.