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Apply to COMS Part Time Lecturer Pool
The part time applicant pool is open, however review of new applicants only happens twice a year. Our Lecturers Coordinating Committee evaluates potential applicants at the end of Fall (for Spring teaching opportunities) and at the end of Spring (for Fall teaching opportunities).
Submission Requirements
- CV/Resume
- Official Transcripts from your highest degree earned
- Three letters of recommendation
- Day and time preferences/availability (must submit each semester)
- (Example Template) A list of qualifications to teach courses interested in
- (Blank Template) A list of qualifications to teach courses interested in
- (optional) Any other supporting documents you would like to include (i.e. previous teaching evaluations, sample syllabi, grade distributions, course assignments, etc.)
All materials MUST be submitted as a single packet- include all required documents and any supplemental documents you would like. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed or considered. Any questions please contact Department Coordinator Katrina Roose.