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Graduate Program in Communication Studies College of Arts & Letters

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Teaching Opportunities

Unique among many master’s-level graduate programs, the Communication Studies department at Sacramento State offers the opportunity for paid graduate student teaching.

Typically, new graduate students will start out as Graduate Assistants, who work closely with an instructor who delivers course content. GAs lead lab sections and grade speeches. After gaining experience in the classroom, they usually become Teaching Associates who design and lead their own classes as instructors of record. (Exceptions to this apply if you have teaching experience already.)

GAs and TAs work closely with faculty mentors to hone their teaching abilities and prepare. Likewise, we offer two seminars to support teaching (Instructional Communication Theory and Practicum) and rotating one-unit modules about teaching topics such as syllabus development, giving effective feedback, active learning, and more.

Graduate students who participate in the GA/TA program leave well prepared to teach in the community college system, as part-time faculty at Sacramento State or other CSUs, and in doctoral programs. Indeed, our alumni work in our department, as well as at universities and community colleges across the country. Graduate students who work as GAs and TAs also learn important leadership skills that translate to other work environments, including public speaking, leading large groups, assessment and evaluation, and giving constructive feedback.

The GA salary is $1,815 per semester, per lab section taught (spread over five months). GAs may teach up to three lab sections per semester. The TA salary is $7,524 per semester for two courses (spread over six months). (Salary information as of August 2022)

For more details about the positions, requirements, and application process, please see the application forms.

Departmental Forms


Graduate Employment Opportunities:

  1. Teaching Associate Application
  2. Graduate Assistant Application