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Office of Space Management Division of Administration & Business Affairs

Support Page Content

Space Planning

University programs that require a change or addition to program or instructional space shall contact the Director of Space Management prior to proceeding with the project or completion of the Space Allocation/Change Request Form. The Director of Space Management will initially review requests for physical, functional, or capacity space changes. If relevant, the request will be forwarded to the Campus Planning Council (CPC) for review and recommendation to the President.

Campus Planning Council (CPC)

The Campus Planning Council (CPC) is responsible for reviewing specific requests and proposals for space assignments and providing recommendations to the President. In order to ensure that all university space is subject to the assignment and reassignment for the common good of the University, the CPC will review policies and proposals affecting the University’s physical environment and make recommendations to the President. The University – not any group, division, college, department or individual – is the owner of its physical campus grounds and buildings. Final authority on the allocation and utilization of all University facilities rests with the President.

Campus Planning Council Policy

Space Holds for Construction Projects, Renovation, and/or Maintenance

To reserve instructional facilities or outdoor spaces for construction, renovation, furniture projects, technology refresh, or for routine maintenance, send an email request to Space Management. In your request, please identify the building and room or outdoor space, the start and end dates for the space hold, and a brief description of the project or maintenance. Space Management is responsible for oversight of instructional furniture in University Lecture and conference facilities and shall review all instructional furniture change requests and determine how to proceed.

Note: Requests to hold instructional facilities or outdoor spaces for summer must be submitted to Space Management prior to February 1st and for winter/spring prior to October 1st to avoid potential scheduling conflicts.