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Office of Space Management Division of Administration & Business Affairs

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Academic Scheduling

Class Schedule Building Dates

Key dates for class schedule building and facility assignments are listed below. Please refer to the Calendar of Schedule Building Timeline published and distributed by the Office of the University Registrar and Academic Calendars for more information.

  • Spring 2025 - Initial schedule building in CMS from March 4, 2024-April 19, 2024. For all facilities assignments after the initial schedule building deadline, use Astra Schedule up until census. After census, contact Space Management for all facilities assignment requests.
  • Summer 2025 - Initial schedule building in CMS from November 4, 2024-January 24, 2025. For all facilities assignments after the initial schedule building deadline, contact Space Management.
  • Fall 2025 - Initial schedule building in CMS from October 7, 2024-November 22, 2024. For all facilities assignments after the initial schedule building deadline, use Astra Schedule up until census. After census, contact Space Management for all facilities assignment requests.
  • Spring 2026 - Initial schedule building in CMS from March 3, 2025-April 18, 2025. For all facilities assignments after the initial schedule building deadline, use Astra Schedule up until census. After census, contact Space Management for all facilities assignment requests.

After the initial class schedule building deadline, all 100+ capacity Lecture facilities are managed/scheduled centrally by Space Management. Departments shall contact Space Management for 100+ capacity Lecture facility assignment requests as needed. Class sections must be scheduled in CMS for consideration. Classes scheduled at non-standard meeting patterns require justification and approval from Academic Affairs before they are placed in available 100+ capacity Lecture facilities.

Fall and Spring Class Schedule Audit Period - for the duration of the class schedule audit period for fall and spring terms, CMS access will be locked for the relevant term and Astra Schedule facility assignment access will be closed for ALL active terms. Departments shall contact Space Management for facility assignment requests as needed. Please refer to the Calendar of Schedule Building Timeline published and distributed by the Office of the University Registrar for audit period timelines

Class Scheduling Resources

Department Scheduler User Guides

Facilities Scheduling Resources

Final Exam Information

The final exam grid is posted on the Academic Affairs website. The grid outlines the day and time patterns for final exams and summarizes the final exam policy.

The final exam schedule identifying facility assignments for fall and spring class sections is generated by Space Management and is maintained in Astra Schedule and CMS Campus Solutions (SA). Space Management distributes final exam reports to academic colleges and departments each November for fall terms and each April for spring terms.

Spring 2025 Final Exams. In person final exams will be scheduled for face to face class sections according to established criteria. For online synchronous classes, faculty must use the final exam grid as published. For online asynchronous classes, the final exam can be scheduled whenever they’d like during the final exam week. So, for instance, a faculty member might say students have 2 hours to complete the final exam, but the student can pick which 2 hours they want to take the exam. Faculty that want to offer an in person final exam for classes that were held online must submit a final exam exception request.

Requesting Rooms for Final Exam Exceptions. Final exam exception requests (room changes, additions, special requests, requests for Instructional computer labs) are processed by Space Management after the final exam schedule is complete, usually the month prior to the actual exams.

All final exam change requests, additional final exam requests, and special final exam requests are processed on a first come first served basis. Faculty shall request final exam changes through their department office rather than direct contact with Space Management. Final exam exception requests to change the final exam schedule to another day and time are subject to review and approval by Academic Affairs and must include the following:

  • Description/Reason for Final Exam Exception Request
  • Course Subject, Course ID, Section Number
  • Day and Time
  • Current Facility Assignment
  • Actual Enrollment

Events During Finals Week. Requests to reserve facilities for events during finals week are scheduled after the final exam schedule is complete. These facility requests will be kept on file until the appropriate time for scheduling them which is approximately a month prior to final exams.

Reserving Instructional Computer Labs

Instructional computer labs are specifically designated for faculty scheduling of full-term classes and classes with lab sections. These labs (ARC 1016, FLS 1029, FLS 1033, FLS 1048, MND 2003, MND 2004, MND 2007 and MND 2008) may also be scheduled during the semester for occasional class use or testing on a space-available basis. Instructional computer labs will be scheduled only when student-use of computers is required for all class sessions and when applicable department/college lab space is not available. Computer Labs are NOT typically scheduled for non-academic or non-campus groups. For guest computer access and computer lab technical or operational questions, users must contact the IRT Service Desk Monday-Friday during regular business hours at (916) 278-7337 or

Full-term Class. Faculty shall contact their department support staff during the class schedule building period prior to each semester to reserve instructional computer labs for full-term classes. Department support staff will make arrangements directly with Space Management to schedule a lab.

Short-term Use. Campus users shall contact their department support staff to submit the Standard Request Form through Space Management. Note: Two week's advance notice is required to reserve instructional computer labs.