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Building Emergency Preparedness Program
In accordance with the CSU Chancellor’s Office Executive Order 1056, the Building Emergency Preparedness Program is the campus wide program which organizes Safety Teams in each building under the direction of the designated “Building Coordinator”. These teams are comprised of faculty, staff, and managers. They are tasked with aiding and assisting all building occupants and first responders during times of emergency or disaster. The building teams will receive training, advice and guidance from Risk Management on how to safely perform their duties. All building safety team members are working under "The Good Samaritan Doctrine" when activated by any emergency situation.
Building Emergency Action Plans
Building coordinators/building representatives are responsible for updating the Building Emergency Action Plans. To update your Building Emergency Action Plan, contact Risk Management at
The plans are available to the public and updated annually and/or when major changes are made.
Fire Evacuation Drill
Fire evacuation drills shall be conducted no less than annually. Buildings with extended hours of access shall conduct an evening fire evacuation drill on at least an annual basis. Fire drills are scheduled by Risk Management with the Building Coordinator or Property Manager. Date and time of fire drill may or may not be publicly known. Full participation is expected of all building emergency team members.
As part of the drill, once evacuated, Building Coordinators and Floor Marshals are charged with keeping people from entering the building until given an "All Clear" from Emergency Personnel. One of the effective ways of doing this is posting a STOP-DO NOT ENTER sign on all entrances and exits.
Sample Event or Meeting Announcement
Prior to the start of any event, an announcement should be made to inform attendees of the emergency exits and the primary Assembly Area. Suggested announcement wording is:
In case of a Fire Alarm, the emergency exits are located (…point out specific location for this venue...). Proceed quickly and calmly out the emergency exit and meet at the (….point out Assembly Area…).
In the event that requires Shelter-in-Place, close and lock door, block inward opening door with furniture if possible, turn off lights, close blinds if any, silent cell phones and call Sacramento State Police (916-278-6000).
Campus Safety Map
This interactive map includes locations and photographs of Automatic External Defibrillators (AED), Stair Evacuation Chairs, Blue Light Emergency Phones, Evacuation Rally Points, and Purple Air Monitors throughout the Sacramento State campus. Each building description contains a link to their Building Emergency Action Plan (BEAP).
Who Is Involved?
Building Coordinators are the people designated by the University President to oversee campus buildings, organize, train and equip building teams. Building Coordinators are Vice Presidents, Deans or individuals who have the authority to direct others and budgets to supports operations. Due to the large number of buildings of responsibility, some building coordinators have designated other administrators as coordinators for specific buildings. Each Building Coordinator needs to determine the size of their Building Safety Team by evaluating their building given the number of floors it has and how many people will potentially be in the building; generally, the more trained people on the team, the better.
Floor Marshals are staff or faculty who were assigned or volunteered to assist during emergency operations. Several Floor Marshals are needed for each floor and are tasked with clearing floors during evacuations, directing others to safe evacuation routes, gathering information at the rally area, etc.
Persons Qualified/Trained are staff or faculty with qualifications/training to use or provide care, voluntarily, in which they are qualified/trained to do during an emergency. This may include:
- Providing First Aid
- Performing CPR and using an AED
- Operating a fire extinguishers and/or
- Evacuation chairs
Building Coordinator/Floor Marshal Training
This annual, one hour training will cover the following areas:
- Program Overview and History
- Responsibilities of Building Coordinators and Floor Marshals
- Multi Hazard Plan/Building Emergency Plan
- Evacuation Procedures/Procedures for the Disabled
- Interaction with First Responders
- Active Shooter Response
This training is open for anyone who is interested in learning about what to do in case of a building evacuation or emergency. However, attendance is mandatory for all members of the building emergency preparedness teams, building coordinators, and floor marshals who have responsibilities during a disaster or emergency.
Emergency Notification System (ENS)
Sacramento State’s Emergency Notification System automates delivery of urgent announcements to faculty, students and staff. The system sends out text messages, phone calls and email in the event of a critical situation that may cause harm or imminent danger.
The alerts would be used only in the event of an emergency that threatened the safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors. It may provide protective action recommendations. Examples of such events would be a campus shooting, bomb threat, hazardous materials spill, flood or fire.
In the event of an emergency, Public Safety may send a notification message. A follow-up notification can be sent shortly thereafter, with more specific details of the event and safety procedures, or an “all-clear” message sent when the threat has ended.
The community may also be alerted to visit the campus’ homepage for more information.
Fire Prevention
Environmental Health and Safety staff offers courses in fire safety and fire extinguisher use.
The fire safety class explains the physics and chemistry of fire; how fires start and continue to burn; solid, liquid and gas fuels; and how to keep one's residence and workplace fire safe. The fire extinguisher class explains the classic fire triangle or tetrahedron, common-sense responses to fire scenarios, the use and capabilities of the different kinds of extinguishers, and hands-on training on ABC and carbon dioxide extinguishers. The EH&S staff offers this training to any unit on campus. Continue reading about Fire Prevention
Evacuation Chair
In the event of a fire or earthquake, elevators should not be used for the emergency evacuation of a building. In this situation, people with limited mobility may be trapped or have to wait for a prolonged period of time in an area of refuge. Does your emergency evacuation plan include an evacuation chair for someone with a mobility-related disability?
Schedule Evacuation Chair Training
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) are place thrioughout the Sacramento State campus. An AED is a lightweight, battery-operated, portable device that checks the heart's rhythm and sends a shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm. The device is used to help people having sudden cardiac arrest. Along with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) you can increase chances of survival after cardiac arrest.
AEDs are safe and easy to use:
- Voice prompts tell you what to do
- Turn it on and follow instructions
- Indicators and feedback for quality CPR
- You cannot accidently shock someone
- AEDs analyze the patient and only shocks when needed
- You are protected under Good Samaritan Laws
We offer training in CPR/AED/First Aid training to all Sacramento State Employees. Contact Janie Mutchler for scheduled training.
Shelter in Place
Shelter In Place is the alternative to evacuation. Learn what to do when and how:

Todd Dangott
Director, Risk Management
(916) 278-7233