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Office of the Vice President/CFO Division of Administration & Business Affairs

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Instructionally Related Activities Awardees

Sacramento State is dedicated to enhancing the overall college experience for our students, fostering personal growth, leadership skills, and a sense of community through programs funded by IRA student fees. We believe in creating an environment that supports student success and satisfaction throughout their academic journey.

Along with our commitment to student enrichment, it is essential that we also adhere to applicable regulations and established policies. This commitment ensures transparency, accountability, and the responsible utilization of student fees entrusted to us. This, in turn, safeguards the institution's interests and enhances our standing as an educational institution, making it more appealing to prospective students.

Below you will find valuable information and updates related to your IRA funding allocation. You will also find contact information for resources across the University, should you have any questions.

Information for Awardees

President Wood will approve the IRA budget for the 2024/2025 fiscal year in May, which is disseminated publicly and available online for transparency.

Please see the link below for a summary of all approved allocations, once available.

Policies & Procedures

Following applicable policies and procedures is crucial for utilizing IRA funds responsibly and ethically. Program advisors and awarded programs must avoid conflicts of interest by adhering to the CSU Conflict of Interest Code and disqualifying themselves from decisions involving personal financial interests. Additionally, strict compliance with IRA Advisory Committee Guidelines and campus reimbursement policies ensures transparency and accountability in fund utilization, thereby safeguarding against potential repercussions and maintaining eligibility for future awards.

Conflicts of Interest

Program advisors and awarded programs must ensure there are no conflicts of interest when utilizing IRA funds. Advisors are required to review the CSU Conflict of Interest Code, comprised of the Incorporation page, designated positions list, disclosure categories, and FPPC approval page. Advisors and other signature authorities are required to disqualify themselves from participating in decisions and/or their program from utilizing IRA funds where there is an identified personal financial interest.

Conflict of interest training is available through CSU Learn, and all individuals involved in the IRA allocation process, including IRA program administrators, advisors, and accounting personnel, are advised to review this training on an annual basis.

Use of Funds

Advisors must adhere to the IRA Advisory Committee Guidelines and Priorities, which outline established allowable uses of IRA funds. Strict compliance with these requirements is required; non-compliance may affect consideration for future awards.

Advisors must also adhere to campus policy guidelines on reimbursement requests, including established dollar limits on reimbursements. Exceptions to this policy may be authorized through Procurement.

Payment Processes and Other Important Information

Please note that Associated Students Inc. (ASI) acts as the campus’ fiduciary entity for IRA funds and will assist with confirming available funds. A representative from ASI will contact you via email regarding additional steps you need to take prior to spending your IRA allocation, including providing you with an MOU to review and sign.

After receipt of your signed MOU, ASI will help confirm available funds as requested, while campus Procurement and Contract Services will request and maintain required financial documentation and backup.

Additional information is available by selecting the Payment Process Workflow button below.

Reminder: Any contracted services, including honoraria, speaker fees, etc., must go through Procurements’ approval process prior to submitting a request to ASI for vendor payment.

Reporting Requirements - Post Activity Reports

The following section will outline the reporting requirements for both post activity reports and additional reviews of IRA fund use, including audits. These requirements are crucial for ensuring that IRA funds are utilized correctly and transparently. They provide insight into how funds were used, which is essential for future funding considerations, and they help maintain adherence to established policies and administrative practices.

Post Activity Reports

Programs receiving IRA funding will be required to complete a post activity report which details how IRA funds were utilized as outlined in their respective program proposals. Programs which receive funds for FY 2024/25 and request funding for FY 2025/26 must submit a post activity report to be considered for future funding. To submit your PAR, please select the Post Activity Report button below.

It is integral that program advisors collect data in regards to how students are benefitting from IRA programs. This information will be reported via the post activity report and will play an important role in future IRA funding applications. Advisors may want to consider maintaining attendee lists or taking photos for events (if feasible).

Additional Reviews of IRA Fund Use


All individuals involved in the IRA allocation process, including IRA program administrators, advisors, and accounting personnel may be subject to a review of key operational, financial, and administrative controls via internal or external audits.

Administering, utilizing or approving IRA funds must always adhere to applicable Board of Trustees policies; Office of the Chancellor policies, letters, and directives; campus procedures; and other sound administrative practices.

IRA Student Fee Stewardship training

Auditing & Consulting Services provides an IRA Student Fee Stewardship training. This 1.5 hour, specialized training, guides you on how to properly govern your department's awarded IRA(s) and the appropriate use as stipulated by the IRA specification sheet.

To access a previously recorded training, please see this link: forthcoming.

Contact Information

Please see the list below of resources across campus should you have follow-up questions.

Office of the VP/CFO


  • Application questions, including deadlines, technical difficulties, required approvals
  • Post Activity Reports
  • General assistance related to the IRA process

Accounting Services


  • General assistance related to Accounting Services
  • Payment to student concerns

Accounts Payable


Associated Students, Inc


  • Fund validation


  • Reimbursement requests



  • IRA DPR Package requirements
  • Agreements (if applicable)
  • General assistance related to Procurement services, including questions on contracted services, including honoraria, speaker fees, etc

Budget Planning and Administration


  • Class code questions (TNR02 & MDS08)
  • General assistance related to Budget Planning and Administration services