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Roles & Responsibilities in Managing University Property
Each University Department has the primary responsibility for the custody, care, maintenance, and control of property assigned to their respective area. University Department roles and responsibilities are defined in the following document.
Project Objectives
PMO will begin a new process for inventory review and accountability.
- Determine and appoint a DRK for each Program Center / Department.
- Provide departments with a list of known Department ID’s.
- Provide departments with a list of known equipment (both capital and non-capital)
- Appointed DRK is to identify and add equipment that is not listed along with removing equipment that has been retired or disposed.
Why is this needed?
The University is responsible for proper record keeping, maintenance, and safekeeping of state and federal equipment in its possession. It helps to ensure the university:
- In compliance with CSU and State guidelines.
- In compliance with Federal Guidelines, especially when related to sponsored research
- Maintains accurate and timely records
- Maximizes use of resources
- Has proper stewardship of assets and supplies
Property Management Roles & Responsibilities
Vice President for Administration / University Chief Financial Officer
The University’s Vice President for Administration / Chief Financial Officer and his/her designees are responsible for the administration of this policy.
Property Survey Board (PSB)
The management of our University’s property requires the engagement of all areas of the campus. The PSB has been established to oversee the University’s state property disposition process and enforce equipment accountability. The membership consists of the following department representatives:
- Director of Procurement and Contract Services
- Supervisor of Property Accounting
- GAAP Accountant
- Public Safety Officer
- Representative from IRT
A minimum of two members of the Board will approve all transactions. The board chair will notify the Associate Vice President for Financial Services when a department mismanages their property inventory or has excessive property loss.
Property Management Office
The accountability for all property assigned to or owned by California State University, Sacramento is the responsibility of Property Management. Detailed reports, documentation, audit trails and transactions involving property are maintained for good stewardship and audit purposes. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor of Property Management to: ensure the proper use and maintenance of all property and equipment; promptly report any loss, damage, or misuse of property or equipment to the PSB and Public Safety; maintain current, complete, and accurate property inventory records, track the assignment of equipment within campus departments and provide copies of documents to the Accounting Services Office for all property donated, sold, recycled, cannibalized, lost or stolen.
The Property Management Office is also responsible for:
- Equipment tagging, tracking, and maintenance of campus property inventory records.
- The application of the identification numbers to property; this function may be delegated to a campus department if appropriate controls are maintained. Coordination or performance of property inventory will be done at least every three years.
- Supporting documentation for retirements and location changes is maintained with Property Management and made available to the Accounting Services as needed for reconciliation and documentation.
Accounting Services Office
Entry of capital and federal property additions, retirements, and location changes into the University Asset Management System (AMS) and auction sale financial distribution transactions to department accounts. All entries are made on a timely and regular basis to insure up-to-date inventory records.
Department Chairs, Deans, Directors, and Program Administrators
It is the responsibility of Department Chairs, Deans, Directors, and Program Administrators to control and safeguard all items of value in their charge, including tracking and accounting for certain types of property as required by this procedure. Additionally, they are responsible for insuring the immediate notification of Public Safety and the Supervisor of Property Management when property has been lost or stolen and that the procedures for disposing of state property are followed when their department has property that is not being utilized.
Department Record Keeper
Departments will designate a department record keeper(s), delegating an individual(s) responsible for property and equipment accountability. Department representatives are responsible for the following:
- Monitoring physical location of property along with changes in location, transfer requests, property turn in, salvage, and cannibalization.
- Reporting all property that is missing, lost, or stolen.
- Promptly reporting any loss, damage or misuse of property or equipment to Property Management
- Performing a yearly inventory of Capital equipment in conjunction with the Property Management.
- In conjunction with the Property Management, conduct a monitoring cycle of all Property on a perpetual basis, this will have no one cycle last longer than three years. Once the cycle is complete a new cycle will begin.
Campus Employees
- Each member of the campus community has a general obligation to safeguard and make appropriate use of University property and equipment. This obligation includes but is not limited to:
- Exercising reasonable care in equipment use to prevent damage and maintain in good condition.
- Taking reasonable security precautions to discourage loss, theft, or misuse of property.
- Reporting lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise impaired property/equipment to appropriate parties.
University-wide Roles & Responsibilities
University Departments
Each University department has the primary responsibility for the custody, care, maintenance, and control of property assigned to their respective area. University department roles and responsibilities are defined as follows.
University Employees
University employees have an obligation to safeguard University property. This obligation includes, but is not limited to;
- Using property for University purposes only and not removing property from campus except for official University business and with prior written approval as per Property Management Office (PMO) procedures.
- Using and maintaining property in an appropriate manner. Property may not be sold, traded, thrown away or disposed of in any manner without the prior written authorization of the PMO.
- Returning property to the University prior to separation from the University.
- Taking reasonable security precautions to discourage loss, theft, or misuse of property.
- Reporting lost or stolen property to Public Safety and the PMO immediately.
Department Record Keeper (DRK)
Everyone is responsible for university assets. Areas need to designate a record keeper to be in charge of managing and controlling a division, college, program center, or department’s assets in conjunction with PMO.
The DRK responsibilities:
- Maintaining the following property records for the department – Equipment Check-Out, Equipment Turn-in / Transfer Request, and Equipment Loss reports.
- Ensure property is used for university purposes only.
- Property is not returned to vendor as a trade-in without coordination with PMO and Procurement Services departments.
- Coordinating the tagging of inventory that is delivered directly to the campus department and ensuring that all property is appropriately tagged.
- Ensuring that all property is properly maintained and secured.
- Coordinating and conducting the Department Confirmation of Inventory, including the verification of all assets, resolving any discrepancies on the inventory listing and submitting the approved confirmation of inventory to the PMO by the scheduled deadline.
- Coordinating the Physical Inventory process with the PMO, signing-off on any required Physical Inventory Certification forms and providing all loan of property records to the PMO upon request;
- Coordinating internal/external audits with the PMO.
- Processing and maintaining records for the loan of property (department property check-out log and off-campus loan forms), including the signing-off on department shared loans (log), verifying the due date of off-campus loans (form) and acknowledging the return of all loaned property.
- Ensuring all loaned property is returned on or before the due date and confirming all loaned property is returned in good working order and condition.
- Obsolete and surplus property is turned into PMO for disposal or redistribution
Appropriate Administrator
The Appropriate Administrator is the primary contact and approver for department property related transactions with the PMO and is responsible for.
- Ensuring that all property is properly tagged, maintained and secured.
- Reviewing and approving the Confirmation of Inventory.
- Designating a DRK and an alternate DRK.
- Notifying PMO within 10 business days when a new DRK or alternate DRK is assigned.
- Reviewing the campus department Equipment Check-Out forms and custody forms to confirm all property has been returned prior to signing-off on the Clearance Certificate - recommended by the PMO.
- Identifying any additional department approvals required within their area prior to division approval.
Associate Vice President/Dean
The Associate Vice President / Dean is responsible for maintaining proper accountability and control of all property within their jurisdiction and for ensuring assigned property is being used in the best interest of the University and the department. This position is responsible for.
- Approving all “off-campus” loans of property where the property is used for other than business travel (i.e. home use).