Support Page Content
Payment Process
Important Information
To help avoid duplicate payments, please confirm payment information of outstanding invoices in CFS Data Warehouse (FDW) before submitting invoices to Accounts Payable.***
Acrobat Sign Workflow Templates
Effective April 1, 2021 payment submission processing has been implemented to Acrobat Sign. User’s Guides on how to use this new process can be found on ABA Forms page under Accounts Payable and Travel. Look for the Acrobat Sign guides. For training in Acrobat Sign click here.
The following applies to paying a vendor. If you are an individual employee who has already paid for items in accordance with the Direct Pay Request policy and the Business Hospitality guidelines, visit our Reimbursement page.
Invoices: From Requisition to Check
The life cycle of a Service Order and Purchase Order:
- The department determines an order must be placed to pay for a service or purchase a commodity.
- The department determines which vendor they wish to use to fill the order. If the vendor is not in the vendor file, the department must inform Procurement & Contract Services by noting the new vendor on the requisition.
- The department enters a requisition into CMS. For instructions on how to enter a requisition, see the Requisition Process User Guide.
- The requisition is approved in CMS by an approving official.
- The requisition is dispatched into a service order or purchase order by Procurement & Contract Services. The order is mailed to vendor. If the vendor is not in the vendor file, an online Vendor Data Record (204 form) needs to be completed by the vendor. Payments will not be issued until the 204 form is processed (3-5 days).
- The vendor will provide the service or fill the commodity order and issue an invoice to Accounts Payable.
- The order is complete when the check is issued to the vendor.
If the invoice is associated with a service:
- The invoice submitted for payment must be approved for payment by the department upon completion of service.
- Services are paid in arrears.
- Receiving is not required for services.
If the invoice is associated with a purchase order:
- The invoice does not require department approval prior to payment.
- Receiving is required to be posted in CFS. Central Receiving is responsible for recording stock received report information on all items delivered through Receiving. On orders that bypass Receiving, it is the responsibility of the campus department to submit a stock received report to Receiving. The department may submit a packing slip or a copy of the purchase order identifying the items received in lieu of a stock received report.
To determine whether an invoice has been paid, and/or if the check has cleared our bank, please see the Researching a Payment document.
Payment to Students
Payments to Students must have a pre-approval form (see Accounting Services) submitted with all of the following:
- Vendor Data Record (204 form). Email a list of students names to
- Reimbursements – Submit on Adobe Sign form
- Performances (wages reportable on 1099) – requires Independent Contractor form & requisition
- Invoice Approval – Submit on Adobe Sign form
- Awards (Contest Winnings) Direct Payment Request – Submit on Adobe Sign
- Prizes – Distribution log required (Recommend to use gift card distribution log)
Direct Payment Request (DPR)
The Direct Payment Request (DPR) should be used to submit payment directly to a Supplier without a purchase order. Payments to Suppliers may be processed via the Direct Payment process when there is no need to obtain a purchase order, procurement card cannot be used or if it does not fall under the CSU Policy guidelines for Contracting & Procurement. Whenever possible, these types of payments should be made via a Procurement Card for cost savings to the University.
A completed Vendor Data Record (204 form) must be on file with Accounts Payable prior to submitting the DPR to Accounts Payable.
Each DPR must have an authorizing signature. The authority to approve and sign a DPR must be delegated in writing by an employee’s Program Center Administrator. All approving signatures on the DPRs will be verified for approving authority. Any DPR without a proper signature will be returned to the department. To request authority to approve and sign a DPR, please fill out the Request for CMS Financials User Access form.
Employees may not request and approve a payment for themselves. The DPR will need to be approved by another delegated person with approving authority.
There is no dollar limit for Direct Payment Requests, however second signatures are required on all University checks of $50,000 or more.
Contractual Services performed by an individual or a company are not eligible for Direct Pay. No contractual commitments may be made to a third party on behalf of the university unless authorized by Procurement and Contract Services personnel who have the proper delegated authority.
What is required?
Completed Vendor Data Record (204 Form) submitted to Accounts Payable. Signature of department approving official (Navigation in CMS Campus Solutions (SA) Access to verify current signers: Sac Delegation of Authority > Delegation Inquiry). To update approving officials, use the CARS Request Process.
Please ensure you are using the most current Direct Payment Request form. Any other forms will be returned to the department where it originated.
A completed Vendor Data Record (204 form) is needed when doing business with the State of California. The University is required to have vendor tax ID information on file for all vendors before a payment can be made. For further questions about the Vendor Data Record 204 form, please contact Accounts Payable and Travel.
Authorization Request (Only the following requests may be submitted on a DPR) | |
Accreditations | Payments to an accrediting body for expenses associated with the accreditation process (Requires an invoice) |
Books and Publications | Includes audio and visual media |
Dept. of Homeland Security | Fraud prevention and detection filing fees. Requires a copy of H-1B filing fee form |
Event Fee | Payment to supplier for a chair or table at an awards banquet or Gala OR booth space at an expo/conference |
Game Guarantees | Athletics Dept only |
Interagency Agreements & Related Payments | CCE only, with no contract. (Must include CE# assigned by Procurement & Contract Services). |
International Master Agreements | Payment for international student recruitments and study/travel abroad (must include MY# or MA# assigned by Procurement & Contract Services). |
Medical/Healthcare-Student Athletes | Athletics Dept only |
Membership dues/Subscriptions | Payment for magazine subscriptions and membership dues |
Mentoring Services | Requires Collaborating Teacher Agreement (Teaching Credentials Only) |
Prizes/ Awards | Requires a copy of contest flyer |
Property Taxes & Global Fund Expenditures | Budget only |
Public Works State Fees | Facilities only |
Utilities | Sustainability only |
Exception to Policy | Only with PRIOR Approval from AP or Procurement & Contract Services |
- Monthly fees or other services including repairs
- Food, non-catered events (less than $50.00) - may be reimbursed via the Petty Cash Reimbursement Process.
- Communication devices (landlines, pagers, cell phones, DSL)
- Postage Stamps
- Shipping (FedEx, DHL, UPS, USPS)
- Employee travel expenses (Parking or tickets)
- CSUS Employees performing services - contact Human Resources
- Office Supplies: use Staples through CSUBuy
- Printing: contact Procurement & Contract Services for requirements
- Toner cartridges
When will my DPR be paid?
DPRs normally take up to two weeks to be paid from the date it is received in Accounts Payable. Your DPR may be held up for any of the following reasons:
- There is no Vendor Data Record form on file with Procurement & Contract Services
- The DPR is for a reimbursement that is not allowed
- The DPR is missing receipts and/or a list of attendees
- The DPR has incorrect information or is incomplete
- The approval signature is missing
- The approver is not authorized to expend funds from the department ID listed on the DPR form
Payment in Advance
A payment in advance is a payment issued to a vendor before the service is performed or the commodity is received.
Examples of PIAs include: services, hotel deposits, catering services, and payments to Guest Lecturers. PIAs for Non-Resident Aliens (NRA) are not allowed. See the Procedures for Payment to NRA Individuals and the Non-Resident Taxation page.
Payments in advance must be requested through the Procurement & Contract Services office. The request for a payment in advance must be noted on the requisition. Please contact Procurement Services for any questions regarding PIAs.
Once Procurement & Contract Services authorizes a PIA, the Accounts Payable office will issue a check and a disbursement voucher to the vendor. The vendor must sign the disbursement voucher and return it Accounts Payable. The disbursement voucher is issued in lieu of an invoice.
All requests for a PIA must be received in Accounts Payable before 2 p.m. the day before the check is needed. Any PIA requests received in Accounts Payable after 2 p.m. will be processed the following business day (a one-day delay) regardless of the date the check is needed.
Vendor Data Record Form (204 Form)
The Vendor Data Record form (std. form 204) is required for all vendors. The Vendor Data Record form must be completed and entered into CFS before payment can be rendered.
The Vendor Data Record form may also be requested by Accounts Payable or the department for the following reasons:
- To prevent the delay in payment to the vendor. If the Vendor Data Record form is not entered into CMS, the check to the vendor will not print.
- The vendor has changed their name, address or Federal Identification number.
- The vendor’s business is now incorporated. They are no longer classified as an individual/sole proprietor or partnership.
- The vendor is new and the form is needed to process a requisition or Direct Payment Request.
- To verify or update address or tax ID number information from the vendor.
Delays In Payment
A payment may not be issued to a vendor for several reasons:
- The invoice was not received by Accounts Payable. All invoices should be emailed or mailed directly to the Accounts Payable office. Many departments mistakenly have the vendor mail the invoice to them, causing a delay in payment.
- Stock Received is not posted in CFS. Whenever any commodity is purchased by the University, receiving must be posted in CFS. Central Receiving is responsible for recording stock received report information on all items delivered through Receiving. On orders that bypass Receiving, it is the responsibility of the campus department to submit a Stock Received Report to Receiving. The department may submit a packing slip or a copy of the purchase order identifying the items received in lieu of a stock received report.
- The service/purchase order needs to be amended. There may be several reasons why an order may need to be amended:
- The description on the order doesn't match the invoice description.
- The quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity ordered.
- The invoice amount is greater than the purchase order amount.
- Sales tax or freight is not on the order or is being invoiced over the $100.00 leeway allowed by Procurement & Contract Services.
- The vendor is invoicing for an item or service that is not listed on the order.
- The vendor is invoicing for greater than the amount quoted to Procurement & Contract Services.
- The Vendor Data Record form (std. form 204) has not been received.
- Items or services are purchased from vendors without a purchase order. Payment will be delayed whenever services are rendered or commodities are purchased without an order. A requisition is not allowed after the fact. The department is required to submit a DPR with an exception to policy approval, including a justification memo with a plan for future resolution for expending University funds without the knowledge of Procurement & Contract Services.
When to Void a Check
If a vendor calls about a payment and the check has been issued but never received, the check may be canceled and reissued. Before a check can be reissued please verify the following:
- The check was issued more than 30 days prior to the vendor calling.
- The check is not in Bursar's (Lassen Hall – Cashier’s Office) waiting to be picked up by the vendor/employee.
- The check has not been cashed.
- Request the vendor complete a Check Replacement Application found on ABA Forms page under Accounts Payable. The form must be completed and returned to
- The stop payment process is initiated by Accounting Services upon receiving the replacement application from the vendor. The entire process may take a minimum of one to two weeks to complete. Any delay in receiving the completed application back from the vendor delays issuance of the replacement check.
- Once the replacement application has been received and the stop payment has been confirmed, a new check will be issued and mailed to the vendor.
OnBase Document Retrieval
On July 1, 2021 all AP&T documents are being stored electronically in OnBase and can be retrieved by campus personal for review. OnBase Web Client can be accessed from My Sac State under Faculty/Staff Related Links.
Documents available to view in OnBase:
- Invoices
- Direct Payment Requests
- Reimbursement Requests
- UFSS Check Requests
- UFSS Invoices
- UFSS Travel Claims