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Receiving and Giving Constructive Feedback


All professionals are trying to get better at what they do. No matter where you work, or what your role, the only way to improve is with feedback. Giving—and receiving—feedback is a skill that's relevant to every member of an organization. In this course, psychologist and author Dr. Gemma Leigh Roberts first guides you through both how to receive feedback effectively—by tuning into a growth mindset, managing your emotional response to feedback, and implementing feedback. Gemma then teaches you on how to effectively provide feedback by reducing bias, following a tested frame for giving feedback, and learning how to give feedback regularly. Join Gemma in this course and learn tips that will help lead you into a cycle of continuous development, and a growth mindset that can help propel your career and your relationships forward.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 33 minutes

Start E-course: Giving and Receiving Feedback

Effective feedback can enhance your employees' efficiency and overall performance in the workplace. That’s why it’s important to know how to craft feedback to reap these benefits. In this course, instructor Amber Vanderburg, an expert in business and management, helps you develop the necessary skills for clear feedback communication. Follow along as Amber explains the purpose and qualities of great feedback, how to receive feedback yourself, and the correct ways to confront a variety of unprofessional behaviors. Plus, get tips for determining how often to give feedback, as well as how to foster a culture of feedback ownership.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 1 hour 15 minutes

Start E-course: Using Feedback to Drive Performance

Asking for feedback is integral to cultivating a growth mindset and being self-reliant—traits that managers want in all their employees, regardless of role or level. Jodi Glickman, bestselling author of Great on the Job, teaches you how to take ownership of your career by asking for specific and actionable feedback. Jodi provides a step-by-step process for asking for and getting meaningful feedback—from planting a seed in advance, to scheduling the conversation, to receiving and responding to feedback in a way that strengthens your relationship with your boss. Plus, learn how to avoid common pitfalls, such as asking the wrong people, asking the wrong questions, and asking at the wrong time.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 21 minutes

Start E-course: Asking for Feedback as an Employee

What’s the best way to give and receive effective feedback? How do you hold feedback conversations without all the angst and defensiveness? In this audio-only course, Pete Mockaitis interviews Joe Hirsch, author of The Feedback Fix, to learn why we all instinctively resist feedback. From there, Joe shares practical principles to get better at giving and receiving it. Learn to approach feedback with joy instead of fear by shifting your relationships from power struggles into partnerships. Hold up the mirror to examine your own unique tendencies, ditch the feedback “sandwich,” and change your perspective about what’s at stake. Joe replaces the outdated feedback “sandwich” with a proven, four-step feedback WRAP approach. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with new communication techniques to give and receive feedback joyously in any relationship or work environment.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 40 minutes

Start E-course: Taking the Fear out of Feedback

Conflict Resolution


In every workplace, you're likely to encounter colleagues who are more difficult to work with than others. But before you rush to judgment, you should determine if and how you might be contributing to the situation, and what you can do to help.

In this course, join psychologist Dr. Emily Anhalt as she shows you how to navigate and communicate with people who you find challenging to deal with at work. Pause and reflect on your role in challenging work situations to uncover how empathy can help you work better with others. Emily shares strategies to respond to a wide variety of particularly challenging work situations, including with people whose behavior is negative, absent, competitive, and passive-aggressive. By the end of this course, you’ll be prepared with new skills and practical strategies to have an effective conversation with someone you find difficult to work with.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 50 minutes

Start E-Course: Working with Difficult People

Improve your relationships with your coworkers, clients, and managers and find your way through conflict back to cooperation. In this course, negotiation and leadership coach Lisa Gates shares the secrets of effective conflict resolution and reveals simple, repeatable techniques that apply in most business situations. She presents "The Resolution Roadmap," a practical framework for exploring and navigating conflict resolution, including identifying the issue and distinguishing fact from fiction. A scenario helps take you through best practices for opening the conflict conversation, brainstorming solutions, and coming to an agreement. In addition, she shares powerful conflict resolution techniques that can help you enhance your listening skills and reframe problems to find common ground.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 50 minutes

Start E-Course: Conflict Resolution Foundations

Learn essential skills for navigating hard conversations, conflict resolution, feedback exchange, salary negotiation, workplace changes, and career progression discussions. Keisha provides insights into tackling professional challenges with confidence and strategic finesse. After this course, you will be prepared to take on difficult conversations with preparation and ease.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 21 minutes

Start E-course: Five Hard Conversations You’ll Have in Your Career

Think about a time when you disagreed or fought with another person. What was the outcome? How did it make you feel? More likely than not, you've found yourself in disagreements that didn't get resolved or that left you with a bad feeling. In this course, conflict resolution expert Lynne Hurdle shares her methods to ensure you're able to effectively communicate through disagreements and achieve your intended outcomes. Lynne covers how to prepare yourself to participate in this conversation, effectively listen, manage your emotions, and achieve mutual understanding and agreement. She also shares how to avoid common pitfalls when it comes to things like venting or talking over one another. Lynne also gives examples of individuals who really excel at communication through disagreement, and how they do it. Finally, Lynne empowers you with tips to manage disagreements and conflict more effectively, and gives resources to help you continue your learning over time.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 41 minutes

Start E-course: Communicating through Disagreement

How often have you heard someone say that they hate conflict? Or, how often have you avoided conflict yourself? While it may seem good enough to just smooth out or gloss over conflicts, in the workplace, avoiding conflict can easily escalate into bigger and bigger problems. In this course, conflict resolution strategist Lynne Maureen Hurdle gets you started on solving conflict avoidance problems. She shows why facing disputes head-on is so important and helps you understand why you may have negative associations with conflict. Lynne also gives some concrete strategies to become a better listener and communicator, and how to accomplish that essential task of reaching a resolution. After this course, you’ll be prepared to keep conflict from derailing your projects or disrupting your team dynamics in the future.

LinkedIn Learning E-course, 1 hour 34 minutes

Start E-course: Conflict Resolution For Beginners