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Recreational Sports

Recreational Sports Proposed Fee Increase Overview Video


The current funding for the Sport Clubs Program at Sacramento State is insufficient to cover the increasing costs of participation, equipment, and facility maintenance. This financial strain results in significant out-of-pocket expenses for students, limiting access and participation, especially for those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Proposed Solution

We propose an adjustment to the funding allocation for the Sport Clubs Program to help cover the costs associated with national governing body dues, travel, equipment, and facility upgrades. It will also support additional staffing to accommodate program growth and ensure adequate support for the 1,300 students involved in the program.

Proposed Fee Options

Pros of Raising a Student Recreational Sports Fee

  • The fee is part of the cost of attendance and can be covered by financial aid.
  • Sport Clubs contribute to a vibrant campus experience and enable students to fully engage, form relationships, practice self-care, and have a better well-rounded, holistic university experience.
  • An increase in the fee would significantly reduce students' out-of-pocket expenses and likely make participation accessible to students who may not have been able to join or end their membership prior due to the financial burden.
  • With the increased fee, when our students qualify for national championships, they will be able to attend and not have to choose to opt-out due to costs.
  • Students' interest in Sports Clubs drives the program; the teams are started and run by them. An increase in the fee will allow for more support for this interest to add not only more clubs but also additional teams within clubs. All of this will directly benefit the student experience and expand opportunities to more students.
  • The increased fee will allow for more high school and community college outreach as a recruitment mechanism and early campus exposure.
  • Sports facilities on campus will become more accessible to a greater number of students.

Cons of Raising a Student Recreational Sports Fee

  • The higher fee means some students may need to take out additional loans or pay more out of pocket.
  • Students who do not have the time to participate in sport clubs may oppose paying a higher fee.
  • While the fee aims to remove socio-economic barriers to participation, there may be challenges to some middle-income students in an increased fee.
  • Without increasing the fee, students will continue to pay a significant amount of money out-of-pocket to participate and, in some cases, may not be able to afford it at all.
  • Without an increase, we will be unable to meet the needs of students’ growing interest, provide adequate staffing support, or update equipment and uniforms.
  • Students have to go off campus to workout, practice, compete, and host tournaments and events that could be moved on-campus with an increased access to space.

Student Benefits

Reduced Financial Burden:

  • Alleviating Socioeconomic Barriers: Increased funding will reduce out-of-pocket expenses for students, making participation more accessible to all, regardless of their financial background. This includes tournament entry fees, travel, lodging, and equipment funding.
  • Example: Women's Volleyball incurred costs of $40,000 in 2023-2024 but received only 10% of this amount in funding. Increased funding would significantly ease these financial pressures.

Enhanced Program Support and Growth:

  • Staffing Expansion: Additional staffing will improve program management, support for new sports like Competitive Cheer and Dance, and partnerships with high-risk sports, benefiting over 1,300 students.
  • Increased Outreach: Enhanced outreach efforts will create pathways for prospective students from local high schools and community colleges, fostering a stronger pipeline of participants and potential donors.

Improved Basic Needs and Equipment:

  • Uniform Updates: Implementing a regular uniform replacement cycle will ensure that sports clubs have access to size-inclusive and updated uniforms every 3-4 years.
  • Equipment Upgrades: Increased funding will allow for more frequent equipment replacement and acquisition of resources for new sports, ensuring optimal practice and competition environments.

Upgraded Athletic Facilities:

  • Facility Development: Investment in new and existing facilities will enhance the quality of student-athletes experiences, improving participation rates and overall well-being.
  • Increased access: Additional resources will allow students to have more access to our current facilities for group workouts, practices, competitions, and organizations that host tournaments and events.