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Financial Services Division of Administration & Business Affairs

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Non-residential Fee


Non-resident student fees play a crucial role in sustaining the high standards of education and resources that universities provide. The proposed new charge for non-resident students will support scholarship programs and also finance essential initiatives such as support for internships and career development services tailored to the unique needs of students. Additionally, these funds will be allocated to specialized programs designed to help international students navigate cultural and academic transitions, thereby promoting their success and well-being. The budget outlines a series of expenditures focused on enhancing student support services, with particular emphasis on international and out-of-state students. Key areas of investment include a specialized commencement, retention programs, and career placement services, all aimed at improving the overall student experience and ensuring higher retention and success rates, especially for those requiring additional support.

Proposed Solution

New non-resident student fees can directly fund these initiatives. By allocating specific fees towards these targeted programs, Sac State can ensure that resources are available to provide the necessary support. For example, fees could cover the salaries of specialized staff, the costs of organizing orientation programs, and retention initiatives.

Pros of Raising the Non-Residential Fee

  • Enhanced Student Support Services: The additional fees can be allocated to fund specialized programs, including orientations, retention initiatives, and career placement services, which directly improve the overall student experience and outcomes, particularly for international and out-of-state students.
  • Emergency Fund Establishment: Creating an emergency fund through these fees provides a safety net for students facing unforeseen financial hardships, ensuring their academic progress is not hindered by unexpected challenges. Dedicated funds will help address potential higher costs for longer travel distances or special circumstances.
  • Improved Retention and Success Rates: By investing in targeted retention programs, Sac State can increase retention rates, contributing to higher academic success and graduation rates, which are beneficial for both students and the institution.
  • Strengthened Career Prospects: Increased funding for internships and career development services can lead to better job placement rates after graduation, making Sac State more appealing to prospective students.

Cons of Raising the Non-Residential Fee

  • Increased Financial Burden: Higher fees, particularly for international students, may discourage enrollment or place additional financial strain on those who do enroll.
  • Inadequate Career Development: The current staffing levels and resources are insufficient to adequately meet the increasing demand for career development, internship support, and research assistance for our growing non-resident population.