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Range Elevation

Range elevation of temporary faculty is provided for in Article 12 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Colleges work in collaboration with the Office of Faculty Affairs to determine temporary faculty who are eligible to apply for a range elevation. Final approving authority for granting range elevations rests with the College Dean.


As stated in Section 12.17 of the CBA, in order to be eligible for Range Elevation, lecturers must "have no more eligibility for salary increases pursuant to provision 12.10 in their current range, and have served five (5) years in their current range." You need not have been at the "SSI maximum" for five years; rather, you must have reached that "SSI maximum" (i.e., have exhausted SSI eligibility) and have been in the current range for five years. (As a reminder, the "SSI maximum" in any given range is not the same as the top step in that range.)

In addition to the above criteria, lecturers and temporary librarian faculty unit employees with six or more years Full Time Adjusted Service (FTAS) in their current range as of the end of the Spring semester preceding the current academic year shall be eligible to apply for range elevation. For each Academic or Fiscal Year, FTAS is defined as the average Full Time Equivalent (FTE) over the Academic or Fiscal Year, divided by 0.8, up to a maximum of 1.0 for the year. For more information about FTAS eligibility please read the HR/SA 2024-09 Technical Letter.

Evaluation and Application

Faculty eligible for Range Elevation must apply and be evaluated. Each department may determine its own procedures for evaluating lecturers for Range Elevation. As stated in UARTP 5.03.C.2 Units recommending applicants for a temporary faculty range elevation shall specify in their ARTP documents the criteria to govern the decision to recommend it.

At a minimum, the candidate shall provide teaching performance as evidenced by recommendations or other documents including student and peer evaluations of teaching performance (UARTP 5.03.C).

Awarding of Range Elevation

The Dean shall make the final decision on awarding a Range Elevation and will notify the candidate in writing. Range elevations are accompanied by a 5% salary increase, or the percentage necessary to reach the minimum of the new range, and shall be effective at the beginning of the appointment in the following academic year.


If a date falls on a weekend or holiday the deadline will be the following academic workday.

Action Deadline
OFA requests names of eligible faculty from colleges January 15
College analysts submit list of eligible faculty to OFA February 1
OFA confirms college’s eligibility lists February 10
Faculty are notified of their eligibility by their department/college February 15
Application submitted to department (or first level of review, per college’s process) March 15
Applications are approved/denied April 15
Appeal hearings are held April 25
Appeal decisions are made End of AY
College analysts notify OFA of final approvals/denials June 1