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Guidelines for Determining a Tenure-Track Hire Under CBA 12.22.c

Per Article 22: Appointment of the new 2022-2024 Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement:

A departmental peer review committee may review and recommend a probationary faculty unit appointment for a temporary unit employee who has received an offer of tenure track employment. Such a recommendation may only occur in a department where there is no current tenure-line recruitment for which the faculty member is qualified. Such recommendation[s] shall be directed to the President or their designee for review, consideration, and response. The decision of the President or designee shall not be subject to Article 10 (Grievance Procedures) of this Collective Bargaining Agreement. (CBA 12.22.c)


In cases where a Sacramento State lecturer receives an offer of tenure-track employment elsewhere the procedure below will be followed.

  1. The lecturer provides dean and department head/chair with written offer of tenure-track appointment and a current CV.

  2. Dean confirms:
    1. There is no current tenure-track search in department that the lecturer is qualified for;
    2. There is sufficient work to support a tenure-track position in that field in the department (consult with department head/chair);
    3. The amount of financial increase a move from their current position to a tenure-track position in that department with (short term) and without (long term) course release;
    4. The offer represents a comparable position to Sacramento State.

  3. If the dean determines that there isn’t sufficient work to support the position, they respond to the lecturer’s request in writing.

  4. If the dean determines there is sufficient work to support the position, the dean presents a request to the provost, copying the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA), the VPFS, and the Director of Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, that includes:
    1. Justification to the Department and College to convert lecturer to tenure-line
    2. Budget analysis
    3. Tenure density analysis for college departments

  5. The provost will assess the budget implications. If the provost approves, the dean shares the offer with the tenured and probationary faculty in the affected department and requests their review and recommendation. While the lecturer candidate may present a deadline by which they need Sacramento State response, the department head/chair and dean will determine an appropriate and reasonable timeline for the recommendation process. It may not be possible to meet the lecturer’s stated deadline, just as it isn’t always possible to meet external candidates’ deadlines during usual tenure-track searches.

  6. Departments and/or colleges must follow the steps below and may also create their own processes as long as these are included:
    1. If a peer-review committee is not already established, departments must elect a peer-review committee of at least three members to make a recommendation to the dean. Departments may request permission from the dean for probationary faculty and to serve on this committee.
    2. All members of the peer review committee must review application materials. Materials must include a CV (with at least three references listed) and a cover letter that includes a research statement and a diversity statement. Materials may include other items deemed appropriate by the department.
    3. Departments must conduct an interview process that could be in–person or on zoom and a meeting with the dean. Other activities are at the discretion of the department with consideration to the timeline.
    4. Though not required, telephone reference checks may be conducted.
    5. The peer-review committee must deliberate the matter as they would a typical tenure-track hire. Peer review committee might respond to these prompts as they review application materials: What could be the contributions of this candidate to the department in the four areas of the UARTP? How might the candidate contribute to the campus imperatives? What support might this candidate need to thrive in the four areas of the UARTP?
    6. The peer-review committee makes a recommendation to the dean regarding the offer.
    7. Department heads/chairs may make a separate recommendation to the dean depending upon the construction of the committee.

  7. The dean notifies the provost and OFA before responding to the lecturer. The dean extends a verbal offer if the decision is affirmative. The dean sends a written response if the decision is negative.

  8. If the verbal offer is accepted, OFA will create a hidden recruitment in PageUp. The department will create a position description for the recruitment, and the offer process will proceed through PageUp.