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Curriculum Workflow Academic Affairs

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2024-2025 Updates

Outcome Mapping

FAQs for Outcome Mapping

Where does the mapping display in workflow?

The Learning Outcomes Display is located directly under the Program Learning Outcomes

screenshot of learning outcomes display

How do I access the grid to map the courses?

Click on the pencil icon for the course that you wish to map

screenshot of course mapping editing icon

Are the students able to see the program learning outcomes display?

No, the Learning Outcomes display is only visible to those who have access to curriculum workflow.

What is the purpose of mapping the courses?

Connecting PLOs to their supporting courses will allow our campus the ability to run reports of approved learning outcomes for use during the accreditation, reporting and compliance processes. This will help with the WSCUC/WASC accreditation since we will are integrating outcome assessment at all develop levels. Faculty proposers and reviewers can see the outcomes and can better understand the impact of proposed curricular changes and identify gaps in program learning outcomes.

Is mapping the courses the same as a curriculum matrix?

While these cover the same content, they will need to be completed separately.

How many steps are in the approval workflow?

The approval workflow for Learning Outcome Mapping is 3 steps; Academic Excellence, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Dean of Graduate Studies.


Outcome mapping will pause on May 21, 2025 and will be resumed once the software updates have completed in Summer 2025.

Catalog Career Data

FAQs for Career Data

How do I update my program’s displayed career data?

Please complete the Career Data Occupation Selection Survey

What career options are available in the Labor Insight Tool?

Please see this PDF for all possible career options. Career options can also be explored on the Labor Market Insights page of the Career Center.

What kind of data is available to students through the career data tool?

Desired educational level for each position, average annual earnings for each job, in-demand skills by occupation, relevant job titles, list of employers that are currently hiring, employment trends and predictions over the next ten years.

Where does the career data come from?

The data in the Labor Market Insights tool comes directly from the US Department of Education FVT/GE Act implementation.

Who do we contact if we need to update the displayed career data?

If you need additional assistance with updating your career data you may email for help.

Can the career data showing be altered or adjusted to only reflect certain information?

No. Once selections are made all data will populate and be visible.


Career Data can be updated for the 2025-2026 catalog during the catalog editing period from October 2024 - February 2025.

Software Update

Software Update FAQs

Will the update affect us and will there be training prior to the 25-26 curriculum year?

There will be no changes to the course and program management, however the UI is being updated and more options will be available to anyone who has access to curriculum management. Training and training materials will be made available in summer 2025 following these changes.

Why can’t I submit a new proposal after March 21st?

This is the latest that proposals can be submitted with enough time to be approved to be added into CMS for the 2025-2026 year. This refers to approvals that do not go through a standard workflow, example the Experimental courses.

What happens on May 21st to a course or program in the system?

All proposals will be rolled back to their original authors in order to avoid errors happening to existing proposals in workflow. These changes will NOT disappear from the system, they will simply fall out of workflow and back into editing mode.

What if the author doesn’t work here anymore?

It is advised that proposals should have more than one author listed. If this is not true, additional author can be added to a proposal and will be accessible to do so.

When can I start working on curriculum in the summer again?

Once the system updates have finalized, the Academic Services team will send out an email indicating that curriculum workflow can once again be accessed. It is estimated to be available again in July of 2025.


System becomes unavailable as of May 21st, 2025 and with a TDB date of return, but before the Fall 2025 semester begins.