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Teaching and Learning Mini-Grants
The Center for Teaching and Learning supports application and access to externally funded mini-grant programs that improve teaching and learning across different teaching modalities, student groups, and subject areas.
CAREER4 Teaching & Learning Mini-grant
The CAREER4 Teaching & Learning Mini-grant program is supported by the US Department of Education. Mini-grants support Sacramento State faculty and staff who integrate career development, financial wellness and/or work-based learning content and activities into their curriculum or co-curriculum. Annual funding is contingent on department and U.S. Department of Education approval.
- Expand curricular and co-curricular programs with career development and financial wellness components
- Align course learning outcomes with the skills and knowledge needed for employment and competencies for in-demand careers
- Expand educational opportunities for, and improve the academic attainment of students
- December 16, 2023, | deadline to apply for the calendar year 2024 mini-grants
- January 16, 2024, | Notification of award (tentative date)
- Average award $2,000-$5,000
- For additional information contact Melissa Repa at
TECH4 Teaching & Learning Mini-grant
The TECH4 Teaching and Learning Mini-grant program is supported by the US Department of Education. It specifically addresses high DFW rates for students enrolled in GE courses. All faculty invited to apply.
- increase faculty knowledge and skills to build and deliver online, hybrid, and technology enhanced courses
- increase the number of course sections of high-quality GE courses with online or hybrid modalities
- increase the number of online and hybrid courses that are Quality Matters certified
- August 16, 2024 by 5 pm | Deadline to apply for calendar year 2024 mini-grants
- Upon completion of deliverables, participants earn $7500 in additional employment. Additional 2500.00 per course certification achieve through QM Certification.
- RSVP for the TECH4 Teaching & Learning Minigrant Q&A session from 3-4 p.m., Thursday, August 8, 2024.
- For additional information contact Michelle Dang:
STEM4 Teaching & Learning Mini-grant
The STEM4 Teaching and Learning Minigrant program is supported by the US Department of Education. STEM4 Teaching & Learning aims to improve the pass rates in STEM courses by redesigning STEM course policies, learning activities, assessments, grading criteria, and modes of instruction. All faculty teaching Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics courses are invited to apply.
- Increase faculty knowledge and skills to design and deliver courses based on evidence-based strategies that improve learning, and student grades.
- Increase the pass rates and average GPA of STEM courses.
- January 10, 2023 | Deadline to apply for calendar year 2024 mini-grants
- Awards average $5000 in additional employment
- For additional information contact Jennifer Lundmark:
Graduate Studies Online Course Services Mini-grant
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Office of Graduate Studies invite faculty to submit their applications for our initiative in improving online and hybrid courses for graduate students. The primary goal of this mini-grant program is to facilitate a collaborative approach to redesign graduate courses, ensuring that they maintain not only their academic rigor but also become more conducive to graduate students’ needs.
- Increased offerings of high-quality graduate courses with online or hybrid modalities.
- Increased number of Quality Matters certified graduate courses.
- Increased faculty knowledge and skills to build and deliver online course components using inclusive practices geared toward graduate students.
- April 7th, 2025 @ 5pm | Deadline to apply
- Acceptances will be provided end of April, 2025.
- Grant to begin summer term (synchronous session week TBD May 2025 )
- For additional information contact Tara Sharpp:
Equal Opportunity and Excellence in Education and Employment
All university programs and activities are open and available to all regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. Consistent with California law and federal civil rights laws, Sacramento State provides equal opportunity in education and employment without unlawful discrimination or preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. Our commitment to equal opportunity means ensuring that every student and employee has access to the resources and support they need to thrive and succeed in a university environment and in their communities. Sacramento State complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the California Equity in Higher Education Act, California’s Proposition 209 (Art. I, Section 31 of the California Constitution), other applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, and CSU’s Nondiscrimination Policy. We prohibit discriminatory preferential treatment, segregation based on race or any other protected status, and all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in all university programs, policies, and practices.
Sacramento State is a diverse community of individuals who represent many perspectives, beliefs and identities, committed to fostering an inclusive, respectful, and intellectually vibrant environment. We cultivate a culture of open dialogue, mutual respect, and belonging to support educational excellence and student success. Through academic programs, student organizations and activities, faculty initiatives, and community partnerships, we encourage meaningful engagement with diverse perspectives. As a higher education institution, we are dedicated to advancing knowledge and empowering individuals to reach their full potential by prioritizing inclusive curriculum development, faculty and staff training, student mentorship, and comprehensive support programs. At Sacramento State, excellence is built on merit, talent, diversity, accessibility, and equal opportunity for all.