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Current Servicemembers
If you are currently serving with the Active, Reserve, or National Guard cohort, use this page to learn about the special options available to them through Sac State ROTC. Our Recruiting Operations Officer (ROO), Mr. Jarrett Halverson (1SG Ret.), is available at 530-752-7863 or to discuss any of your questions and help you find out how to transition your career to Officership through our ROTC program.
The information below is included to help you build an understanding of various opportunities, but please contact our ROO for the most accurate information.
Simultaneous Membership Program (Reserve, Guard)
The Simultaneous Membership Program allows students to serve in the U.S. Army Reserve and be a member of their college’s ROTC program.
To qualify for SMP, the future Soldier must be a full-time college student in either their sophomore, junior, or senior year; or be in a graduate program. They must be willing to enlist in the Army Reserve while being enrolled in the Army ROTC program at their college of attendance.
Receiving pay and points toward retirement provides a significant benefit for future soldiers who consider making the Army a career. This program is just one of the many ways the Army can benefit a future Soldier.
If you're already enlisted, your benefits already include tuition assistance (up to $4500 per year), 100% tuition waiver (ARNG only), GI Bill ($309 per month, if MOS qualified), and drill pay. Joining ROTC adds a few things to that:
- Drill pay increase to SGT (E-5) rate ($274.84 per month)
- ROTC stipend ($350-$500 per month)
- GI Bill Kicker ($350 per month) for being in ROTC
- Non-deployable status—your college education won't be interrupted by deployment
- Officer training in your unit
If you are (or will be) a freshman and are currently enlisted, you are eligible for SMP at the beginning of your sophomore year. For your first year you can still enroll in ROTC classes, and drill with your unit, but are not formally in the SMP. If you are a sophomore or higher and currently enlisted, you must enroll in the SMP to enroll in ROTC.
Scholarship Options for SMP
Talk with our ROO to find out if these opportunities are available to you!
Army ROTC Scholarship benefits include:
- Full Tuition & Fees OR $10,000 for Room & Board
- $1,200 Book Stipend per academic year
- $420 Stipend per month (10 months / 12 months)
Sac State University Scholarship benefits include:
- LTC Jeffery L. Tally, USA (Ret.) & Mrs. Janet Tally
- offers up to $2,500/ spring semester
- ONLY non-scholarship Army ROTC Cadets
- November 1st -November 30th (application open)
- Early December - Committee reviews applications
- January funds in winner's account
- LTC Vance Hansen (USMC) Memorial Scholarship
- offers up to $600/fall semester
- Veterans, Army ROTC Cadets, and Air Force Cadets
- December 1st - March 31st (application open)
- April and May - Committee reviews applications
- June and July Financial Aid review
- Mid August - funds in winner's account
Reserve Component Scholarships
Green to Gold (Active)
The Green to Gold Active Duty Option Program is a two-year program that provides eligible, Active Duty enlisted Soldiers an opportunity to complete a baccalaureate degree or a two-year graduate degree and earn a commission as an Army Officer.
Application is conducted through the Go Army Website. Be sure to list CSUS as your affiliated school. Talk with our ROO for answers to any questions.
- Soldiers selected to participate in this program will continue to receive their current pay and allowances while in the program (up to a maximum of 24 consecutive months).
- If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits
- Post 9/11 GI Bill
- Normal PCS entitlements
- Leadership training
- Responsibility and Practical Experience
- Mentorship of the PMS/APMS
- Camaraderie
- U.S. Citizen (non-waiverable)
- Age - Be under 30 years of age on the date of the projected graduation and commission. (waivers can be requested)
- Cannot have been convicted of a Domestic Violence Crime
- Have a minimum of 2 years Active Duty at the time of application as well as 3 months of Active Duty for every one month of specialized training (waiver can be requested)
- GT score of 110 or greater
- Pass the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)
- College Grade Point Average of 2.5
- Letter of Acceptance to School of Choice offering Army ROTC
- Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion
- Favorable National Agency Check (or have initiated the action)
- DODMERB Medical Qualification
- Be eligible to Reenlist
- Not be a conscientious objector
- No more than 3 dependents including spouse (waiverable)

ROTC at Sacramento State
Involvement in the ROTC program at Sac State generally involves a weekly 1-hour class and participation in our physical training (PT) and tactical labs. PT is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week from 0630 - 0730. Labs are every Wednesday from 1500-1700 (3 pm to 5 pm). The department provides transportation for off-campus activities. Weekend FTX participation (1-2 weekends a semester) can be counted toward drill requirements with approval from command teams.
- See our various 4-year, 3-year, and 2-year options
- Glimpse the Sac State Cadet Experience on our Instagram