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Air Force ROTC The Mighty Blue Dragons

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Air Force ROTC General Requirements

The Air Force is built around its three Core Values:

  • Integrity First
  • Service Before Self
  • Excellence in All We Do

Embracing these Core Values will be your first step in becoming an Air or Space Force officer. Listed below are the basic requirements to join Air Force ROTC.

  • Be a full-time student at CSU Sacramento or a college that has a crosstown agreement with Det 088 (Crosstown Schools)
  • Attend Aerospace Studies class, Leadership Laboratory, and two Physical Training sessions each week during term
  • Be a United States citizen (or plan to gain citizenship before contracting)
  • Be in good physical condition
  • Be of good moral character
  • Have minimal previous drug use
  • Have minimal previous civil involvements with authorities (law enforcement, school/government officials, etc.)
  • Disclose all tattoos/brands/gauges (must not exceed the Air Force Tattoo Policy, or have a tattoo removal plan)
  • Meet age requirements:
    • Minimum age 14 to join AFROTC
    • Maximum age 29 by time of completing AFROTC program for rated careers fields, such as Pilot (up to 42 years age with approved waiver for Remotely Piloted Aircraft only)
    • Maximum age 39 by time of completing AFROTC program for non-rated career fields (up to 42 years age with approved waiver)

Academic & Enrollment Requirements

In Air Force ROTC, you will receive military officer candidate training while you are working to obtain your Bachelor's degree. This requires self-organization, discipline, and balance.

Cadets must:

  • Maintain full-time student status at your college/university (typically 12 credit hours)
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA); and a minimum 2.0 term GPA each academic term
  • Maintain a minimum 80% attendance of Aerospace Studies classes, Leadership Laboratories, and Physical Training sessions each semester
  • Earn a minimum grade of C- in all Aerospace Studies classes

See other useful information about enrollment on the Crosstown Schools.

Training Requirements & Schedule

Each week, AFROTC cadets must attend one section of their respective AS class, at least two Physical Training (PT) sessions per week to include the mandatory session at 0630 Friday mornings (the other session is your choice), and the two-hour Leadership Laboratory from 1300-1500 Friday afternoons.

See Visual Aids: 3- and 4-Year Programs and Weekly Schedule

Medical Requirements

Cadets must complete a Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) and meet medical qualification standards to be selected for Field Training, contract with AFROTC, and then commission. Visit for more information. Det 088 Cadre members are not medical professionals and therefore cannot give you bottom-line facts about medical conditions or the pursuit of waivers. We are generally willing, if you are within the other program standards, to push waivers for medical conditions that are waiverable, for consideration at higher levels. If you have a specific medical concern that you would like to ask DoDMERB before you begin the AFROTC application process, write to: DODMERB, Colorado Springs, CO 80840-2200, or call 719-333-3562.

Fitness Requirements

Cadets are expected to maintain a healthy lifestyle to include muscular and cardiovascular fitness. Physical Training (PT) sessions help instill healthy habits while preparing cadets for the Fitness Assessment (FA).

Every semester cadets take the FA, which consists of a waist measurement, one minute of push-ups, one minute of sit-ups, and a timed 1.5 mile run. The FA is administered in one session with short breaks between each event. There are different standards for each gender and age group. To pass the FA, cadets must earn a minimum total score of 75 and meet or exceed each individual component's minimum score.

At key points in the AFROTC program - Field Training enrollment, enlistment (contracting as a Cadet), and then commissioning (as a Second Lieutenant) - cadets must meet Body Mass Index (BMI) standards.

Air Force ROTC recently switched from a 27.5 kg / m^2 to the more stringent 25 kg / m^2 BMI standard (regardless of gender). If you exceed BMI, then you will be measured for Body Fat. Males must not exceed 18% body fat according to a neck and waist measurement method. Females must not exceed 26% body fat according to a neck, waist, and hip measurement method. Further details will be provided at the detachment.