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Academic Continuity Academic Affairs

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Additional Resources

Canvas and Zoom will meet many of your Academic Continuity needs. If you’re looking for a more robust option with editing features for recording lecture materials, we recommend Camtasia, which can be downloaded and installed for free. Another option is Panopto, a platform for creating and sharing professional on-demand videos.

You can find more information about the various software options available to you in IRT’s Instructional Technology Matrix.

The Center for Teaching and Learning offers a treasure trove of resources regarding Continuity for Teaching and Learning. In particular, CTL offers a Teach on Checklist that many faculty have found valuable.

The Academic Technology Services also stands ready to assist. You can contact them by phone at (916) 278-7337 during support hours, or via email at

Library Resources

When regional or nationwide disruptions occur, many publishers provide enhanced online access to their research and teaching material. Work with your subject librarian or refer to this guide for access to media and full-text materials.

LinkedIn Learning resources

Sacramento State Faculty and Staff have free access to LinkedIn Learning, accessed through My Sac State. Below are some essential training topics, and feel free to explore the full range of LinkedIn Learning’s professional development resources!