Financial Services' Summer Fun Days
Despite the summer heat, ABA finds ways to enjoy the summer in fun and unique ways. One group of offices have continued to engage with employees, and capture the spirit of summer. Financial Services continued its Summer Fun Days this year with events across three days, including baseball day, on June 12, surprise day, on July 19, and Sac State day on August 15.
"This is just a fun way to get the offices to participate in activities during the campus 'down' period," said Associate Vice President for Financial Services, Gina Curry. "It encourages fun and creativity within each office and with each other."
Fun was certainly on the menu for many offices on July 19th's surprise day. Offices were encouraged to choose a theme for their office and invite other members of Financial Services to visit and surprise them with their decorations, costumes, food/games etc. Sister office, Budget Planning & Administration, didn't want to be left out of the fun and participated themselves with their "aloha" office theme.
One office that truly captured the spirit of "surprise" was Accounts Payable & Travel, where they hosted a bridal shower for Accounting Technician III, Dolores Ortiz.
"I was very touched. A lot of thought went into the day’s festivities. The games were fun and creative," said Ortiz. "The entire Accounts Payable team planned it together. I had an idea something was happening but I wasn’t in their covert meetings."
Fellow Financial Services offices Accounting Services and the Bursar's Office also took part in the summer festivities. "For Surprise Day we went all out!" Said Accountant II, Irina Skiba. "It was nice to take a breather during year-end and 'fiesta like there is no manana!' We had a photo booth with props and a taco bar that included all possible sides you could think of!" Pictured below, the Budget Planning & Administration showcasing their Hawaiian theme, and Accounting Services having their fiesta!

Paradise Loves Company - Impromptu Hawaii Meetup
This summer, two ABA employees thought a trip to Hawaii would make an ideal vacation. Administrative Officer Margaret Hwang, and Budget Analyst Lauren Garrett found themselves face to face in a coffee shop on the island of Kauai.
Running into each other was purely by chance, as Hwang explained: "I loved seeing Lauren at Kauai Coffee Company! It just reminded me that our world is smaller than we think."
The meeting was brief, as both Garrett and Hwang were traveling with family. "I was ecstatic to travel with my parents, my sister’s family, and my family. There was 10 of us in total. We were that family that held up the security line at the airport," joked Hwang.
Hawaii has long been a popular destination for vacationers. "The landscape is so beautiful and green and it’s easy to just relax and get away from the hustle and bustle," said Garrett. "I would definitely recommend to at least go to Hawaii once in your life." Note taken.