May is Bike Month Sets the Pace!
Last May, Sacramento State joined the greater Sacramento Region in it's annual "May is Bike Month" campaign, with participants including ABA staff.
As their website states "the focus of our campaign is to promote bicycle use as a mode of transportation whether for running errands, commuting, riding recreationally, or working." Jeanie Krieger, business intelligence analyst within University Transportation & Parking Services echoed many of the same ideals: "May is Bike Month promotes our participants to use alternative transportation, helps reduce parking congestion, improves air quality, and is a healthy activity."
Every year, participants throughout the six regions of Sacramento come from varied professions to track their miles that would have otherwise been spent driving. Employees from Intel, HP, state agencies, and local universities all participate. Several notable ABA employees that participated this year include Daryn Ockey, Director of Facility Operations; Justin Reginato, Associate Vice President of Facilities Management; Grant Watkins, Administrative Analyst/Specialist; and Kendal Chaney-Buttleman, University Controller.
This year, Sacramento state rode 7,890.7 miles, replacing over 5,888.6 equivalent commuter/errand miles, accumulated by all students, faculty, and staff.
Who set the pace this year? That honor goes to Daryn Ockey who logged a blistering 527.9 miles during the month of May, which placed him first among all ABA participants, and third among all Sacramento State participants. Daryn shared why he enjoys riding his bicycle: "It is the best part of my day. I have always thought sunrise and sunset are the nicest times of the day, and much of the year I get to enjoy them on my way to and fro."
"It really cuts down my commute time," said Kendal Chaney-Buttleman, participating for the first time this year. "I normally walk to work and that takes over 45 minutes. My bike commute only takes 20-25. Also, in order to avoid riding on busy streets and through campus, I take the long way around so I get to ride on the levee along the river. That is a beautiful sight every morning and evening!"
Daryn Ockey echoed these sentiments "I always commute by bicycle to work anyway, so getting involved in this is a way to encourage others, snap up some swag, and get in shape for the summer!"
The campaign kicked off in early May of this year, where booths from Sac State Sustainability and Peak Adventures were on hand to provide information, and hand out promotional items. The chart to the left shows the type of miles replaced, which serves a great reminder to bike whenever possible. "For anyone even remotely interested, I encourage them to participate in the event, as it helps to minimize their carbon footprint, get fresh air, and exercise outdoors," said Grant.
A big thank you to everyone who participated and helped spread awareness of this campaign. If you would like to learn more, visit their website at: It's never too early to get started!