Message from the Vice President
ABA is making things happen all over campus, many of which we can hear and see for ourselves. The progress on our construction projects is remarkable. From the nearly finished Parking Structure V looking vibrant, to the Science Complex going vertical while the Union taking new form during its expansion, our campus is transforming. We all play an integral part in this transformation. While some of us might be more front and center in these projects, we must not forget the unheralded, underground, and behind the scenes work we all do on a daily basis, which might not be celebrated with a ribbon cutting. I know it takes many talented people to make all of this progress happen and it is because of all of you.
As the semester winds down, I am able to reflect on the last year. If you remember, in the Summer 2017 Newsletter, I shared with you my passion to learn more about the psychology of happiness. Since that opportunity, I really focused on practicing what I was preaching. When I began to think deeply about what makes me happy and what makes most people happy, I immediately thought about the obvious aspects of my life: Family, job satisfaction, and the impact my work has on the university. However, what I kept coming back to was my health and wellness. When I started thinking deeply about my own personal happiness and wellness, I thought about exercise. I was drawn to one fast, easy and free way to get moving - walking. When you think about it, what better venue than Sac State to get moving? I did not set any particular goal at first, or even call it exercise, rather I just committed to walking every day.
Fast forward a year and I am consistently taking 10,000 to 13,000 steps every day. In doing so, I have reframed my workday. I take my much needed breaks and lunch, I host walking meetings with managers, and I walk to the site of an issue or concern rather than imagining it in my office. This journey of walking has taken me to every corner of this campus and I have gained a deep appreciation for its beauty.
Now, you might say, that is easier said than done! My first recommendation if you are thinking about increasing your activity, is to find a way to track your movement. You can use apps or devices of course, or old-fashioned math. Based on research, an average person, at average pace, can walk about 2,000 steps to equal a mile, which takes about 20 minutes. If you set a goal of the recommended number of steps a day at 10,000 then you would need to walk 5 miles a day, or about an hour and a half of walking. Therefore, you could walk on your breaks, your lunch or at home and easily meet your goal. Think of it this way, you could walk nearly 2 miles in the same time it takes to watch one sitcom!
At the end of the day, the positive thing that could come out of moving more is feeling more connected to oneself. After I started walking consistently and meeting my 10,000-step goal each day, my body started to feel better too. Once you become more in tuned with your body, you will notice what it is saying and your new routine will become even more natural. Begin by asking yourself how you feel when you have sat for hours all day? How do you feel after walking across campus? Do you feel better? Chances are if you feel better, you will be happier. And in my opinion, it is in our nature to be happy.
The Vice President/CFO has recently announced his retirement, view that message dated 4/6/18 here.