Staff Spotlight with Justin Reginato

In each issue, the FOCUS Newsletter spotlights an ABA staff member whose work deserves mention. This issue features Associate Vice President of Facilities Management Justin Reginato, with several questions focused on the President's renewed emphasis on graduation rates and the graduation initiative.

How long have you been with Sac State?
I have been at Sac State for eight years. I was faculty for 7.5 years and in Facilities Management for a little more than half a year.

What is your job title?
Associate Vice President of Facilities Management.

What are your major responsibilities/duties?
We oversee the campus operations, which includes everything from custodial, central plant, grounds, sustainability and our own building trades, as well as overseeing the design and construction of new facilities on campus.

Who are your primary customers?
All members of the campus community. In addition to the main campus, we work with Student Housing, Athletics, ASI, the University Union, UTAPS and many more.

What are some of your new ideas?
There are many talented people working in Facilities Management, so my best idea is to try to give them what they need to do their jobs and then get out of their way. I am also working on a process to prioritize the projects Sacilities Management undertakes.

When the President announced his commitment to focus on student success, diversity in the workplace/classroom, and graduation rates, how do you feel those initiatives apply to your position and/or office?
They apply a lot to Facilities Management and we take the student success initiative very seriously. We have several ongoing projects that address student success, such as construction of the new Science II building and Testing Center that we are overseeing.

What is your favorite aspect of working on campus?
Our campus’s landscaping and sustainability features are my favorite physical aspect of our campus. Working in an
environment where new ideas are welcome is my favorite intellectual aspect of our campus.

Why and how would someone contact you?
Call the Facilities Management front desk at 8-6242 or e-mail me at

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is published by: Administration & Business Affairs

Office of Organizational Development
California State University, Sacramento

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