Bio-Compressed Natural Gas - Not Just Hot Air
Past newsletters have mentioned the many efforts made on campus to utilize renewable and alternative energy sources. One of those sources has been Bio-Compressed Natural Gas (Bio-CNG), derived from food waste. Sac State Sustainability is proud to report that 26.49 tons of food waste was diverted from landfills last semester. That waste was instead processed by Clean World, and converted to Bio-CNG.
Recycling Coordinator Joey Martinez commented on why this is a big step forward: "Food waste is generally considered to be one of the heavier waste streams. Now that we can remove this stream from the rest of the trash, it should help to reduce the tonnage from the trash stream overall.
Yet another example of Sac State Sustainability "closing the loop," these efforts have a direct impact on our campus, and our students. "Consider the fact that this food is turned to fuel and that fuel is used by UTAPS to power Hornet Express shuttles," added Martinez. "Number don't lie. Those same shuttles now help to offset 301.5 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually!"
Sac State Sustainability continues to find more ways to make our campus more sustainable, and their efforts should be applauded. Keep it up!
Teaming Up to Reduce Waste
Facilities Management has been working with ASI and the Department of Environmental Studies to create a compost yard in Lot 10. The compost lot is comprised of grass trimmings and leaves that fell naturally during fall months, and provides students with the raw materials to better understand the process of bio-conversion.
"The University generates between 400 and 450 tons of green waste each year," said Recycling Coordinator Joey Martinez. "The mulch allows students the opportunity to advance their understanding of bio-conversion, before being used on campus to help conserve water in the summer months ahead."
Dining Services is also working with students to provide food waste to add to the compost yard. Previously, this material would require haulers to remove it from campus, incurring transportation costs for the University. The new compost lot reduces costs for the University, while finding an application for what was once simply considered waste.
Upcoming Sustainability Events
Sac State's Sustainability Team is always looking for new ways to interact with the campus community on sustainable efforts. These efforts include information campaigns, events, partnerships and other outreach efforts.
Below are some of the upcoming campaigns and events Sac State Sustainability will be promoting! Keep a look out for additional information, and get involved!
April 9, 2016: Spring American River Clean-Up
April 10-11, 2016: Climate Change Conference "Water and Fire"
April 14, 2016: Earth Day
May, 2016: May is Bike Month
Stay in the loop! Cntact Facilities at 278-6242 or check out Sac State's Sustainability website calendar for the latest updates and events.