Ming-Tung “Mike” Lee
Vice President and CFO
This time of year, it is traditional to recognize the accomplishments of our students through the conferring of degrees at commencement. For our graduates, this is a time not only for reflection and celebration, but for looking ahead to new challenges and opportunities. Year-end is a marker for ABA that inspires similar thinking, as we take stock of the past year, celebrate our accomplishments, and think about the work ahead.
The ABA division has undergone significant changes since last July, with the appointment of a new associate vice president for Facilities Service, Ali Izadian, and a new police chief, Mark Iwasa. The recent retirement of our auditing director, Kathi McCoy, means the appointment of a new director in the coming weeks. And, finally, after serving for over a year in an interim capacity, I am pleased to officially hold the title of vice president/CFO. Change often brings a level of uncertainty and disruption. But, as I consider ABA activities over the year, the achievements are what stand out the most.
Public Safety has worked hard to create a safer campus with improved lighting, dedicated police service centers and more bike and foot patrols. Financial Services continues to emphasize customer service by listening to business partners and implementing process improvements based on their feedback. The new Zone Manager program in Facilities Services promises to improve both customer relations and the management of processes, through a centrally located team of managers responsible for designated campus zones. Technology upgrades and other improvements in the University’s budget and parking areas have streamlined both manual and online transactional services. And, the move of the Worker’s Compensation Office to Risk Management Services will help to create synergies and improve the University’s ability to manage risk.
I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me over the last year and a half, and I hope to cultivate even stronger relationships as we go forward. This will help us create the best system of support for Sacramento State’s academic programs, and develop a workplace culture where meaningful work brings out the best in people and inspires commitment and dedication. This is the core of great customer service.
We all understand that, without human effort, the many accomplishments of which we are so proud would never materialize. That is why it is so important to recognize the contributions of ABA staff professionals, both individually and collectively. ABA’s 2010-11 Report of Accomplishments highlights just a few of the division’s staff professionals who were awarded for their work during the year. But the work of each and every one of you is reflected in ABA’s achievements. I hope to build a tradition in ABA that continues to find new ways to recognize and appreciate staff.
The requirements, deadlines and restrictions that are so common to our environment can easily produce an inflexible, task-driven workplace, where the human spirit is negated. Our greatest challenge will be to create a respectful, meaningful and customer-focused workplace within that context. I am looking forward to working with you to find ways to overcome our challenges and raise a foundation upon which Redefine the Possible occurs in ABA on a daily basis - in ways that add value not only to the University and its community, but to the work that we all perform.
Mike Lee
Vice President and CFO