SMART Grid Software Implementation Caps Project
In late October, the implementation of the SMART Grid energy information software was completed, which will generate reports on each building's energy use.
This final step in the project capped off the two-year long effort, which involved a seven-step process.
In the end, the project led to many improvements to campus buildings and energy monitoring equipment including:
- Energy management and HVAC control systems installed in 38 buildings.
- Installation of 16 electric vehicle charging stations.
- Installation of 80 smart meters, one or more for every building on campus.
According to Senior Director of Plant Operations Linda Hafar, smart meters themselves aren't the answer when it comes to energy conservation. "Metering does not save energy, it just tells us how much each building is using. With the meter data we can get the energy use per square foot from the Energy Information System. It will help identify energy hog buildings. With this and other information we can determine where best to invest in energy conservation measures."
Thankfully, the project's completion has led to many benefits, though. "The Energy Management and Control System ... helps the maintenance technicians see an overview of each building via the computer software when there are problems. The technician can look at the graphic screens depicting the temperatures throughout the building to see if it is just a local room problem or whether the entire building is hot or cold," Said Hafar. "Smart metering and the associated energy information software will help us invest more wisely in energy conservation projects."
In addition to these benefits, expanded monitoring devices and software will allow problems to be diagnosed quicker and more accurately.
These accomplishments could not have been completed without the collaborative efforts of multiple offices and departments on campus, including Facilities Management, Budget Planning & Administration, Accounting Services, Procurement & Contract Services, Information Resources & Technology, and others. In fact, these groups were recently recognized with ABA Leadership Peer Team awards.
Sustainability Team Sets Blistering Pace!
Facilities Management's sustainability team has set a blistering pace this semester, with a sequence of activities that keep sustainability in the public eye on the Sac State campus and beyond. From a new logo (pictured left) and informational tables at events, to student volunteer activities and recycling collection, the sustainability team knows how to get the word out and get others involved!
Rush Week Sustainability Booth
The sustainability team manned a Sac State Sustainability booth in the Library Quad during Rush weeks, September 4 through September 9. The effort resulted in the collection of 21 new volunteer interest cards, which means 21 new Sac State students expressed an interest in getting involved with the program.
WELLcome Back Sustainability Table
The sustainability team teamed up with Environmental Health & Safety for The WELL's WELLcome Back event in September.
Participants were encouraged to bring and recycle old batteries, light bulbs and personal electronic waste, as well as support the newest diversion stream by bringing expired or unused prescriptions or over-the-counter medications for responsible disposal at The WELL Pharmacy.
Conversations engaged students in the importance of being environmental stewards, and educated the campus population on the new medication disposal bin at the pharmacy.
Attendees were also encouraged to play games, including a bag-toss game, enticing them with the opportunity to win WELL bucks!
Swarm Day Campus Photo
The sustainability team and more than a half a dozen students proudly displayed Sac State Sustainability pride in the annual Swarm Day campus photo. Because this photo is used in various University publications, this was an opportunity for the team to promote the new sustainability logo and make sustainability part of Sac State's advertising campaign. Spot Recycling Coordinator Joey Martinez in the center of the photo sporting his sustainability t-shirt!
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Farm to Fork Sustainability Booth
The sustainability team was on hand for the campus September 19 Farm to Fork event, collecting interest cards from future prospective student volunteers and engaging students in conversation about sustainable practices and the importance of student involvement. Efforts like these help raise awareness about the value of "going green" on campus.
The team positioned their booth near the entrance/exit point of the Guy West Bridge luncheon event to maximize traffic. The bridge made for a perfect backdrop for this unique dining experience!
Great American River Clean Up
In partnership with the Environmental Student Organization (ESO), right here at Sac State, the team promoted the Great American River Clean Up, also in September, with two members acting as site captains at Discovery Park—the event location — on behalf of the American River Parkway Foundation.
Sac State's fraternal organization Sigma Alpha Epsilon, partners of ESO, and other volunteers allowed for the team to provide over two dozen volunteers, each sporting Sac State sustainability t-shirts! Letters of thanks went to students to confirm their participation for class credit.
The event, which included multiple locations along the Parkway, yielded the collection of nearly eight tons of trash and litter!
Recycling Day @ Facilities Management
The team collected over one ton of materials on Recycling Day @ Facilities Management, prompting extension of the event to three days to allow for additional collection of materials. The team collected car and motorcycle batteries, as well used cooking grease, in addition to the promoted items. Because of the event's success, the team is planning a campus-wide launch!
Homecoming Football Game Tailgate Recycling
At the homecoming game, volunteers were given "Eat, Sleep, Recycle" t-shirts, in an effort to promote the Sac State sustainability brand, along with tools and compostable liners with which to collect California Redemption Value (CRV) materials. All materials were returned to a central location where they were weighed, documented, and prepared for recycling. Over 200 pounds of empty glass and plastic bottles and aluminum cans were collected by the end of the game.
"Recycle It All at Sac State" Recognized
In November, Facilities Management, led by the sustainability team, hosted a "Recycle It All at Sac State" event in the library quad.
The event was hosted by Facilities Management employees as well as numerous volunteers and representatives from groups and businesses involved in sustainable practices.
Because of the combined efforts of all of these individuals, staff, and volunteers, nearly 1,000 pounds of recyclable materials were collected. That’s 1,000 pounds of e-waste, Styrofoam, expired medications, used batteries and other products that will not end up in a local landfill.
Additionally, the efforts of the "Recycle It All at Sac State" event were officially recognized by the Keep America Beautiful recycling site for eligibility in the national America Recycles Day competition! Sac State was one of only four sites in all of California that collected used hangers as part of the Hanger Amnesty campaign!
Recycling Coordinator Joey Martinez highlights why they were so successful: "Some of our biggest success came in the form of campus awareness. Several student groups expressed interest in conducting their own future collections with our guidance," said Joey. "We were even visited by several of the young children from the Children’s Center who not only brought recyclable materials, but also lent a hand in sorting them."
Let's recognize the amazing efforts of our sustainability team by ensure we are following sustainable practices as well!