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Mike Lee
Ming-Tung “Mike” Lee
Vice President and CFO (Interim)

Already this year, ABA has demonstrated the remarkable dedication for which we are known. Well before the start of school, ABA teams were at work preparing the campus for a new academic year. As a result, students returned to more smart classrooms, a new state-of-the-art gym floor, and expanded alternative transportation options through Zipcar. Not only that, outdoor lighting was augmented and improved for safety and energy-efficiency, student safety enhanced through dedicated safety centers at the Union and American River Courtyard, and parking lots redesigned for greater efficiency and safety.

ABA  went to great lengths to welcome new and returning students, expanding the delivery of services by setting up satellite stations, express lines, and information tables at a variety of student gathering points, including Orientation and Move-In Day, all as a way to ease the stress on students during the first few weeks of the semester. I am really proud of ABA staff professionals for extending their reach to help students in this way, and for pitching in to help each other during peak times. Making services convenient for our students lets them know we are here for them, and support for each other is what makes ABA such a great team.

More recently, ABA’s professional expertise and team spirit played a major role in the successful outcomes of several major projects and events. The CMS upgrade of student and human resources systems “went live” this month, providing access to a more robust and user-friendly My Sac State, thanks to ABA’s financial and budget departments and IRT partners. The University hosted the UFL Mountain Lions’ second season, ensuring a smooth kick-off through coordinated planning and support from UTAPS, Public Safety, Risk Management Services, Facilities Services and Financial Services, in cooperation with campus partners, the Mountain Lions and local agencies. And, last month, ABA’s emergency crews displayed a skillful and coordinated response to fires in Mendocino and Mariposa halls that minimized damage and brought the facilities back online within days of the incident, earning public recognition for ABA from the deans of three colleges and the Faculty Senate.

You can read more about these accomplishments inside, along with information about ABA's efforts to support the campus and local community and news about division people, practices, and activities. These efforts represent ABA’s most visible achievements, but the work that occurs behind the scenes every day is no less important.

Recently, we had the opportunity to meet and share ideas about how to carry out ABA’s goals to maintain a top-notch team involved in customer-based improvements and enhancement of the University’s physical environment. Your ideas and insights were inspiring and enlightening and represent an extensive foundation of knowledge and experience that will be the key to our success. I look forward to our continued partnership, as we work together to strengthen ABA’s ability to support the University, and make it an even better place to teach, learn, work and visit.


Mike Lee
Vice President and CFO (Interim)