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Hellen Lee, Ph.D.



Calaveras Hall 113
Mondays and Wednesdays, 3-3.45pm

Office hours are on a drop-in basis, unless a student requests a specfic appointment during those hours. Since at various points in the semester my office hours are busier than others, if you'd like a set time to meet with me during office hours, please sign up for a time slot on the sign-up sheet on my office door.

I do my best to keep on schedule, but sometimes some meetings run a bit long or can be shorter. Please discreetly announce yourself when you arrive for your appointment and I'll wrap up as soon as I can.

Office hours are times set aside specifically for students to ask questions, to discuss readings and course materials, to obtain major or GE advising, and to have an informal opportunity to meet with me. If you can't make these hours, please know that I also have an 'open door' policy: if the door is open, feel free to stop by and ask if I can spare a few minutes for you. I usually can unless I have a deadline or meeting.



Professor Hellen Lee
English Department
California State University, Sacramento
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6075



(916) 278-5410




Please allow up to two academic-calendar days for me to reply to your email while the semester is in session. During the summer, it may take longer.

Confidentiality of information included in an email cannot be assured. Please do not include any confidential or private information in an email to me. Confidential matters should be discussed in office hours.



Please note that I do not check my voicemail. The best way to reach me is through email. Thank you.








Last update 2014.