Contact Information
Name: Sheeva Sabati, Ph.D.
Title: Assistant Professor
Mailing Address: 6000 J Street, Eureka Hall
About Dr. Sheeva Sabati
Sheeva Sabati, Ph.D. is an educator, scholar, and activist. Her work brings together critical race, anti-colonial, and abolitionist feminisms to reimagine educational spaces and practices, with an emphasis on higher education. As an interdisciplinary scholar, she has also written about research ethics, community-engaged research, and the roots of California's water crisis (forthcoming). Before joining the Ed.D. faculty, Sheeva directed the Community-Based Action Research and Advocacy (or CARA) Program with Oakes College at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), in addition to teaching as a lecturer in the Education Department, the Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Program, and the Feminist Studies Department at UCSC. With the Latin American Philosophy of Education Society (or LAPES), she is a member of the Conference Planning Committee and also serves on the Editorial Collective for the organization's journal, LAPÍZ. Sheeva also organizes with the Education for Liberation Network and with a collective engaged in Abolitionist University Studies.
Research Specialist, Critical Studies of Groundwater Governance
Education Department (Undergraduate and Master’s/Teaching Credential), Feminist Studies Department, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Department, Oakes College, and Colleges 9 & 10.
Director and Community Liaison
Community-Based Action Research and Advocacy (CARA) Program,
Oakes College, University of California, Santa Cruz.
Lecturer: University of California, Santa Cruz
Education Department, Feminist Studies Department, Critical Race, and Ethnic Studies Program, Oakes College, and Colleges 9 & 10, Undergraduate and Master’s/Teaching Credential.
University of California, Santa Cruz
Social and Cultural Contexts of Education,
Dual Designated Emphases: Feminist Studies and Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Departments
University of California, Santa Cruz
Social and Cultural Contexts of Education
Santa Clara University
Political Science, Magna Cum Laude
Courses Taught (Graduate)
Introduction to Educational Research
Legal Issues for Educational Leaders
Community and Communication in Educational Leadership
Curriculum and Instruction Issues for Educational Leaders
Diversity and Equity in Complex Organizations