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Congresswoman Doris Matsui visits Sac State’s COVID-19 vaccination site

Continuing to provide vaccinations against the virus that causes COVID-19, Sacramento State has drawn attention to its work, including that from Rep. Doris Matsui, third from right, who visited the site on Tuesday, Feb. 16. (Sacramento State/Andrea Price)

Doris Matsui, congresswoman from the 6th Congressional District that includes Sacramento State, visited the campus on Tuesday, Feb. 16, touring the University’s COVID-19 vaccination site and reaffirming her support for another round of federal pandemic economic relief.

Matsui has been a leader in pushing for a strong higher education component in legislation meant to combat the sweeping effects of the coronavirus pandemic. She advocated for more than $40 billion to be part of the follow-up aid package in the fall.

Matsui, accompanied Tuesday by Sac State President Robert S. Nelsen, also cast more light on the University’s COVID-19 vaccination site, which has provided more than 2,200 doses of the vaccine since it opened in January. She spoke with personnel providing vaccinations, people receiving them, and administrators who put the program together.

“Being a part of a vaccine program like this is very important,” Matsui said. “The vaccine has been developed, which is wonderful. Now we have to get it in arms."

She also noted the importance of Nursing students receiving their vaccinations, allowing them to carry on as part of the nation’s front line in helping battle the virus.

“Nurses have to be here, and it’s wonderful that they get to practice their skills,” Matsui said. “It’s very much like what I’ve seen in other parts of the country, and this is wonderful.”

For more about the University’s vaccination program, please see frequently asked questions on Sac State’s suite of COVID-19 web pages.


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