California State University, Sacramento

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Beyond J

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The Way of the Hornet, the importance of inclusion, and a story about President Luke Wood most still don’t know

Luke Wood almost didn’t graduate from college. Which means he almost didn’t earn his master’s degree or Ph.D., almost didn’t become a respected college administrator and national leader on antiracism and inclusion.

Which, of course, means he almost wasn’t president of Sacramento State.

The story behind that “almost” is one that, despite the flurry of speeches and press, has flown under the radar during Wood’s first year at the helm of his alma mater. He shared that story and much more when he engaged in an in-depth discussion for a new episode of the “Beyond J” podcast.

Wood also touched on what it means to be a Hornet, why Sac State is pushing ahead with diversity initiatives while many colleges and universities are backing away, and the importance of launching the nation’s first Black Honors College.

Listen to Beyond J on Apple or Spotify.

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