Instructor: Pamela Wilson Messages: 278-6586 (CSUS
English Dept.)
Office: Shasta 260
Office Hours: MW: 2:00-2:45 PM TR: 3:30–4:15 PM & by appt.
:: Grading :: Technology
:: Text and Materials
Course description for English 20: Expository Writing:
Exploratory, expository, and analytical writing; development of
research skills; reading, summarizing, evaluating and integrating
texts, including literature by both men and women, and by a number
of ethnic groups, focusing on a singe road theme. Prerequisite:
English 1A with a grade of "C-" or better, 3 units.
Course Theme: Myths and Archetypes: Understanding the Other Within
Course Requirements:
This course requires analytical writing, careful reading and critical
thinking with a writing minimum of 5000 words with research and
proper documentation. We will read essays, stories and poems, view
films, and participate in classroom discussion in large and small
group activities. Since this is a composition class, everything
we do will relate to your writing assignments. To stay in good class
standing, the requirements are:
Three out-of-class essays
Three online exams
A Dream Journal (format TBA)
A presentation (format TBA)
Reading responses and reading quizzes
Informal in-class writing
Classroom Policies:
1.) Attendance is very important to this class. Class discussions
prepare you for all writing assignments. Your fellow students and
I need your input
in order to make this class more complete and more enjoyable. In
order to encourage good attendance, I will deduct 1/3 of a grade
from your final grade for every subsequent absence after 3 absences.
Please keep track of missed classes so there are no “surprises”
at the semester end (I will).
2.) Participation is also very important to learning process. Please
prepared for class by doing the reading. I hate "pop"
quizzes; however, if there is an obvious lack of participation and
preparation, I will give them. Be forewarned: If you do not do the
reading and actively participate in class discussion, there will
be "pop" quizzes which can negatively impact your final
3.) Papers are due at the beginning of class. No late papers will
be accepted. You must complete all assignments in order to pass.
4.) All out-of-class papers must be typed using the MLA format
for academic papers. Wewill have peer evaluation workshops on your
drafts. Essays not submitted for peer evaluation will automatically
lose a full letter grade on the final draft.
Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations
to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements
must register with the Services to Students With Disabilities. If
you qualify for services through SSWD, bring your letter of accommodations
to me as soon as possible.
1. Students will learn and implement more sophisticated rhetorical
2. Students will be able to reflect on the consequences of how they
themselves in writing.
3. Students will be able to think critically when reading professional
essays, articles and fiction.

Grades and Grading Policy 5.) Grading
is based on work completed; however, your final grade may be adjusted
to reflect attendance and participation. The point system is as
Essays |
250 points |
Exams |
150 points |
Reading Responses |
100 points |
Dream Journal |
50 points |
Presentation |
50 points |
Homework/Quizzes |
50 points |
Final exam |
50 points |
Total |
700 points
Point equivalencies: |
A |
achievement; you might want to link to an "A" paper or project |
665 |
A- |
664-630 |
B+ |
629- 595 |
B |
performance; clearly exceeds course requirements |
594- 560 |
B- |
479-539 |
C+ |
538-525 |
C |
Average |
524-490 |
C- |
489-469 |
D+ |
468-455 |
D |
at average achievement standards |
454 420 |
D- |
419 399 |
F |
Failure to meet
class requirement |
F 398 0 |

Students will need an
electronic mail account and computer access to the Web. All CSUS
students enrolled in one or more units can create a SacLink
account for electronic mail and Internet services. Although a home
computer with a high speed modem running Netscape or Internet Explorer
would be beneficial, students can use the Web from one of the campus
student labs.
You should be comfortable
using a computer and willing to browse the Web. This class requires
online class participation on the Web assignments and electronic
You need:
- Macintosh compatible
with System 10 (OS X) or higher or Windows compatible Pentium
running Windows 98 or XP.
- 128 MB of RAM
- 56K modem or faster
- Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5 or Netscape 6 (or higher)
- SacLink or other Internet
- Word processing skills

and Materials
Required: The
texts for the course this semester are:
Dreams and Inward Journeys: A Reader for Writers, 3/e.
Ed. Marjorie Ford and Jon Ford. Addison-Westly Longman, 1998.
Frankenstein: Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism.
2/e Mary Shelly. Bedford, 2000.
Easy Writer, A Pocket Guide. Andrea Lunsford . Bedford,
The Secret Sharer. Dover Thrift Edition. Joseph Conrad.
Dover, 1993.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Robert
L. Stevenson, Dover, 1991.
You can purchase books
through the Hornet
Bookstore. Check their Online Textbook Sales page at
for ordering information.
Other Materials
Floppy Disc
Account |