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1. A prioritized list of user requirements used to choose work in a Scrum project. 4. A development approach to system development in which the system is built piece-by-piece through multiple mini-projects. 5. The person in charge of a Scrum project. 8. The traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace information systems. 11. An XP practice where any member of the team can improve the code but without changing its functionality. 12. A group of system development activities that enable a person to describe, in detail, how the information system would be actually built. 13. In Scrum, a time-controlled mini project that implements a specific portion of a system.
1. In Scrum, the client stakeholder for whom the system is built. 2. A study that determines if the proposed information system makes sense for the organization from an economic, and operational standpoint. 3. An XP programming practice in which two programmers work together to build software. 6. A system development process that emphasizes flexibility and rapid response to anticipated new and changing requirements. 7. A short sentence written by the end user that describes of one or more features of a software system to satisfy a user need. 9. The phase of SDLC in which an organization's total information system needs are identified, analyzed, prioritized, and arranged. 10. A group of system development activities that enable a person to understand and specify what the new system should accomplish.