Kristin A. Van Gaasbeck

Dept. of Economics | College of SSIS | Sacramento State
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Spring 2013 Courses

ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis
Section 1: MWF 10-10:50am (Alpine 138)
Syllabus available on Aplia (course web site). Aplia registration instructions will be sent to registered students via SacSend.

ECON 100A: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
Section 1: MW Noon-1:15pm (Amador 217)
Syllabus available on Blackboard (SacCT 9.1).


Future Courses

The following is a tentative schedule of my future courses.

Summer 2013
ECON 135: Money and Banking (Summer Session A, TTh 9am-12:30pm)

Fall 2013
ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis (TTh Noon-1:15pm and TTh 1:30-2:45pm)
ECON 138: Monetary and Fiscal Policy (TTh 10:30-11:45am)

Spring 2014
ECON 100A: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (MW Noon-1:15pm)
ECON 145: Economic Research Methods (MW1:30-2:45pm)

M.A. Theses

ECON 500: M.A. Thesis
I have served as an advisor for the following completed M.A. theses:

  • Kamal Labidi, Economic Growth and Convergence in the Middle East, Spring 2008 (Chair)
  • Lindsay Cox, Bank Failures, Debt Deflation, and the Great Depression, Fall 2007 (Chair)
  • Ke Chen, Oil Shocks and Inflationary Expectations, Fall 2006 (Chair)
  • Kokou Agbassekou, HIV/AIDS and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis, Summer 2006 (Chair)
  • Petra Lapatalo Abraham, The Demand for Public and Private Higher Education in the U.S. between 1986 and 2000, Spring 2006
  • Heather Ross, Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Studying the Effects through Capital Formation, Fall 2005
  • Chad Angaretis, Inflation Expectations and Output Volatility: The Importances of the Fisher Effect and Investment, Spring 2005 (Chair)
  • Edward O'Toole, Shareholders' Rights and Equity Prices, Spring 2005
  • Brian Whipple, The Relationship between Economic Freedom and Economic Growth, Fall 2004

See my general information on the M.A. Program in Economics for a complete list of M.A. theses.


Special Projects

ECON 199: Special Problems (Undergraduate)
I supervise undergraduate ECON 199 (Special Problems) courses. This involves an undergraduate research project that can be completed for credit/no credit. I have supervised the following ECON 199 projects:

  • The Predictive Power of the Yield Curve by Robin Bernhardt (3 units)
  • The Yield Curve as a Predictor of Recessions by Jackson Lynn (3 units)

ECON 195/295: Economics Internship - Teaching Assistant
I supervise student teaching assistants for principles of economics courses (ECON 1A). Often, students are employed through on-campus programs, such as the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) and Learning Skills. If you are interested in serving as a TA with me, please contact me.

ECON 299: Special Problems (Graduate)
I supervise graduate macro ECON 299 (Special Problems) course. Recently, I supervised a Ph.D. program preperatory course, ECON 299: Intro to Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis, and supervised an independent research project studying the role of financial system development in economic growth.

ECON 299 can be designed to the individual student's interest.

Past Courses

2012 -2013
ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis (3 sections)
ECON 100A: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 135: Money and Banking
ECON 200M: Math for Economists
ECON 204: Business Economics (2 sections)

2011 -2012
ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis (2 sections)
ECON 100A: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 135: Money and Banking
ECON 145: Economic Research Methods
ECON 204: Business Economics (2 sections)

2010 -2011
ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis (2 sections)
ECON 135: Money and Banking
ECON 204: Business Economics (2 sections)

2009 -2010
ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 135: Money and Banking
ECON 145: Economic Research Methods
ECON 200M: Math for Economists
ECON 204: Business Economics (2 sections)

2008 -2009
ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 100A: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 138: Monetary and Fiscal Policy
ECON 200A: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 204: Business Economics (2 sections)

2007 -2008
ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 135: Money and Banking
ECON 200A: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 204: Business Economics (2 sections)

2006 -2007

ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis (web-based)
ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 145: Economic Research Methods
ECON 200A: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 204: Business Economics (2 sections)

ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON 135: Money and Banking
ECON 145: Economic Research Methods
ECON 200A: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 204: Business Economics (2 sections)

ECON 135: Money and Banking (5 sections)
ECON 145: Economic Research Methods
ECON 200A: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory

ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis (2 sections)
ECON 135: Money and Banking (3 sections)
ECON 145: Economic Research Methods
ECON 200A: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory

ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis (2 sections)
ECON 135: Money and Banking (2 sections)

©2012 Kristin Van Gaasbeck | Department of Economics | 6000 J Street | Sacramento, CA 95819-6082 | 916.278.6223