Description: Family structure, systems and functioning in marriage
and other partnerships, parenting, work issues, domestic violence,
divorce, and remarriage. Focus on social issues including gender,
race, ethnicity, and class. Historical and theoretical perspectives
on families in America. Introduction to research in family sciences
and public policy implications. Lecture, discussion. 3 units.
Note: Not open for credit
to students who have taken SOC 005.
Note: This course is
approved for GE Area D2 and Race/Ethnicity credit.
::Technology :: Text
and Materials
After participating
fully in this course, students will be able to...
- Demonstrate an understanding
of the contemporary changes in society and the family, including
changes in gender roles.
- Demonstrate an understanding
of the choices that are available to family members.
- Demonstrate an understanding
of the constraints that many families face, including economic
and political constraints, such as poverty and discrimination.
- Demonstrate an understandingof
the diversity of American famiies today, particularly with regard
to class, race, ethnicity, and various family forms.
- Demonstrate critical
thinking skills regarding the many issues that confront the family
of the twenty-first century.
- Apply Family Studies
and Behavioral and Social Sciences theoretical perspectives and
research to the issues facing families.
- Demonstrate professional
communication skills.

Students will need an electronic
mail account and computer access to the Web. All CSUS students enrolled in
one or more units can create a SacLink
account for electronic mail and Internet services. Although a home computer
with a high speed modem running Netscape or Internet Explorer would be beneficial,
students can use the Web from one of the campus student labs.
Computing Recommendations
You should be comfortable using
a computer and willing to browse the Web. This class requires online class
participation on the Web assignments and electronic discussions.
You need:
- Macintosh compatible with System
10 (OS X) or higher or Windows compatible Pentium running Windows 98 or XP.
- 128 MB of RAM
- 56K modem or faster connection
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
or Netscape 6 (or higher)
- SacLink or other Internet Account
- Word processing skills

and Materials
Required: The
texts for the course this semester are:
Cherlin, A. (2002). Public
and private families: An introduction. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA:
Schroeder, E. (2003).
Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial issues in family
and personal relationships. (5th ed.). Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin.
You can purchase books through
the Hornet Bookstore. Check their
Online Textbook Sales page at
for ordering information.