Lynn Tashiro
Courses | Physics Projects | Freshman Program Projects | Grant and Project Activites | Publications/Presentations
Contact Information |
Title: | Professor of Physics Director of Freshman Programs |
Office: | Physics: Sequoia 430 Freshman: AIRC 4002B |
E-mail: | |
Office Phone: |
Physics: (916) 278-7687 Freshman: (916) 278-2802 |
Mailing Address: |
Sacramento State 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6135 |
- Physics 107 Conceptual Physics and Scientific Inquiry
Physics Projects
- Hewlett Packard Technology for Teaching Leadership Grant
- Virtual Community Science Lab Pedagogy Enhancement Grant
- Teacher Professional Development Programs (SIRC, eSci)
Grant and Project Activites
Principle Investigator for Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching Leadership Grant. $120,000 awarded. In addition to using computer technology to learn physics, computers were integrated into the science teaching methods course and fieldwork component which were part of a “blended” science curriculum. (2006 – present)Co-Principle Investigator for Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching Grant. $74,000 awarded. Together with faculty in the College of Education I integrated mobile and tablet computer technology in the science curriculum for pre-service K-8 teachers. Mobile data acquisition and electronic laboratory journals were developed. (2005-2006)
Principle Investigator for National Science Foundation project C-CUESST (A College Curriculum for Elementary School Science Teachers). As PI I managed the $247,000 budget and an interdisciplinary collaborative team to design, implement, and assess an inquiry based physics course for pre-service elementary school teachers. (1998- 2002)
Co-Principle Investigator for National Science Foundation project : “Developing a Computer Based Laboratory/Discussion Facility for General Physics”, As co-PI I assisted in management of the $30,000 NSF budget and matching $30,000 university budget to create a microcomputer based Physics laboratory course for life science majors. (1998-2001)
Freshman Programs:
Associated Student Inc. (ASI)Co-Curricular Activity Grant for Freshman Seminar and Learning Communities. Project requires management of Team Building Projects with ASI Peak Adventures piloting of the “One Book” Freshman Reading Program and supervision of a student leadership component. Funded at $9000 ( 2007-present)Information Literacy and Technology (ILT) Grant: Project “Baseline” A study of Sacramento State Freshman and Information Technology Literacy. ETS standardized on line test was used to collect baseline ILT data on 300 freshman students. The project also used the “Lesson Study” Model to develop ILT curriculum. Funded at $38,292 (2006- present)
Science Education:
Paper published in American Institute of Physics monograph “The Role of Physics Departments in Preparing K-12 Teachers”. Paper titled “How can a Physics course for non-majors and pre-service K-8 teachers engage students in the process of scientific inquiry? A case study in collaborative curriculum design and implementation”, pages 7-42, 2000. ISBN#1-56396-985-8Paper presented at AAPT (American Association of Physics Teachers) and NARST (National Association for Research on Science Teaching) 2001 Annual Conferences. Paper entitled “The effect of Inquiry on College Students’ Ability to Pose Testable Scientific Questions “ Lynn M. Tashiro & David Jelinek.
Invited project presentation at NSF (National Science Foundation) Annual Conference of Principal Investigators from Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (CETP). Presentation entitled "A Collaboration Model for Improving the Teaching of Science Content and Science Methods for Pre-service K-8 Teachers. April 2001
Collaborative project presentation with Professor Hugo Chacon at NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) 2001 Annual Conference. Presentation entitled "A Collaboration Model for Improving the Teaching of Science Content and Science Methods for Preservice K-8 Teachers “
Nonlinear Optics and Laser Molecular Spectroscopy
“The HF and DF
“Study of the N2b1Pu state via 1 + 1 Multiphoton Ionization”, W. Ubachs, L. M. Tashiro, R.N. Zare, Chemical Physics, 130 1-13, (1989)
“A General Purpose XUV Laser Spectrometer: Some Applications to N2 O2, and CO2, W. E. Ernst, T. P. Softley, L. M. Tashiro, R. N. Zare, Chemical Physics, 116, 299-309 (1987)
“XUV Laser Spectroscopy of Xe Autoionizing Rydberg States” T. P. Softley, W. E. Ernst, L. M. Tashiro, R. N. Zare, International Laser Science II. Vol. 160, 185-187, 1986
Last updated: 07/02/2008