First semester of college French, corresponding roughly to 1-2 semesters
of high school French. This is a beginning French course. The course
focuses on the development of elementary linguistic skills, with emphasis
on the spoken language. The relationship of the language to francophone
civilization and culture is given special attention.
Course Objectives
- To develop equally the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking
and oral comprehension, and to familiarize the student with the Francophone
world. The course objectives are to provide instruction and practice
towards competence in French oral and written communication, as follows:
to present oneself and other persons, to greet others and answer greetings,
to request and thank, to give and receive instructions, to count to
100+, to tell the date and time, to describe people physically and
their personalities, to talk about one's home and its furnishings,
daily activities/hobbies and places to go, to express likes/dislikes
and agreement/ disagreement, to construct negative sentences, to phrase
simple questions, to be fluent in regular and irregular present tense
verbs, to use the near-future construction, and to develop the appropriate
French language pronunciation, rhythm and articulation.
- Students will develop skills to understand concepts in written and
oral French, as well as the learned ability to write and speak the
language on their own. This course will provide basic information
on French culture and civilization and open a window on the Francophone
world, through text materials, music, videos and the Internet. In
addition, students will develop valuable electronic communication
skills and presentation skills in general.
Textbook, Workbook, Lab Manual and Audio
- Voilà, by Heilenman, Kaplan & Toussaint Tournier, 4th
edition, 2001, is available from the CSUS Bookstore. It is packaged
with the Textbook, the Workbook (Cahier d'Activités Ecrites), the
Lab Manual (Cahier d'Activités Orales), and a pair of Audio Text CD's.
This textbook is used for 4 semesters of beginning and intermediate
French at CSUS: French 1A, French 1B, French 2A and French 2B.
- Students must purchase the textbook package noted above. Students
must also have 1 new blank standard size audio cassette tape (a 90-minute
tape) or blank writeable CD (for the Oral Lab Manual exercises); this
will be copied free of charge at the Foreign Language Practice Lab
located in MRP 2002. This audio material is required to complete the
exercises in the Lab Manual (Cahier d'Activités Orales).
- Students may wish to purchase a French/English-English/French dictionary
as well.
- NOTE: if a used Textbook is purchased, students
must still purchase the new Workbook (Cahier d'Activités Ecrites)
and the new Lab Manual (Cahier d'Activités Orales). The Student
Audio Text CDs (if they are not with the used textbook at the
Bookstore) may be copied in the Practice Lab onto a standard cassette
or CD which students provide.
- Active participation of the student in class is required. Oral practice
of the French language is essential to become comfortable with all
aspects of the language and the culture. Your grade will depend on
your participation in class and oral assignments. Oral participation
will include: repeating, readings, conversations with partners, group
skits/debates, games, songs, and required weekly oral homework. Students
will also collaborate on portions of grammar lessons in group study.
The Voilà text presents materials in a gradual way, so this
beginning course will start out with English explanations and exercises,
moving on to assignments and readings only in French.
- Students are expected to attend class at every meeting, four days
a week.
- Students must have a Saclink account for campus
WebCT access by the 2nd week of the semester. This is how assignments
and communication with the instructor will occur.
- Students must access WebCT and send both a Group
Discussion message and a Private Mail message to the instructor, by
the 2nd week of the semester. Students will be shown how to use the
WebCT program in a computer lab environment in the first week.
- Written assignments from the Textbook, the Workbook
and the Lab Manual are due weekly, every Wednesday. Exercises are
corrected by instructor.
- Oral pronunciation readings (students recording
their voice for pronunciation assessment) will be assigned weekly
and due every Thursday, recorded in a lab environment as a digital
- Electronic Assignments:
--Online review exercises will be due electronically
once every 3-4 weeks. (These Internet components of the course are
chapter-based assignments. These exercises are accessed using WebCT
and serve as review prior to chapter exams.)
--Students will complete a series of 3 Internet
cultural searches into the Francophone world. Results of this search
will be composed into a 2-3 paragraph composition, in French or
English, and will be sent to the WebCT Group Discussion. Cultural
information found on these searches will thus be shared with all
students. Students will also compose questions that will make up
part of the cultural exam at the end of the semester.
- Written, oral and electronic homework is due
by the due date. Late or poorly done homework will result in a 5 point
penalty, with homework still due no later than one week after the
due date. Homework not turned in will receive zero points.
- Student homework assignments, online exercises, group Discussion
mail messages, private mail and grades will be posted on WebCT. Online
grades are private for each individual student.
You will need a Saclink account to use as login and password
for access to the course, only foro enrolled students.
- Basic orientation to French culture will be presented with the Voilà
Découvertes Culturelles magazine in the textbook, music, songs,
food, videos, and an assignment of 3 sessions on the Internet to places
of Francophone culture in the world.
Learning elements
- We will cover five (5) Leçons (lessons or chapters) in your textbook,
and part of Leçon 6. There will be random and scheduled short quizzes
in class in the form of dictations, question/answers, vocabulary translations,
and verb conjugations. There will be a required audio components of
the weekly homework. Students will collaborate in class as groups.
Students may use any Internet provider, but must have a Saclink account
at CSUS for access to the instructor's WebCT site. There will be 8-10
mid-chapter quizzes, 5 chapter (leçon) major tests, a cultural exam
and a comprehensive final examination. Tests will have oral and written
Grades are determined as follows (final point totals are subject
to change):
1 Final Exam |
200 |
12% |
5 Chapter tests |
500 |
29% |
8-10 Quizzes |
300 |
18% |
1 Cultural Exam |
100 |
6% |
14 homework assignments(activités écrites et
activités orales) |
280 |
17% |
14 oral recordings |
140 |
8% |
3 Internet searches |
60 |
3% |
6 Review exercises |
120 |
7% |
Total Points |
1700 |
100% |
All homework is due every Wednesday. Poor mid-chapter
test and quiz grades will be dropped if there is improvement
on Chapter (Leçon) tests and the Final Exam. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP
TESTS. Advance make-up tests can be arranged. Late homework
(written, oral voice recordings, electronic exercises, and Internet
search postings) AND incomplete/poorly done homework will be
penalized by 5 points and is due no later than one week after
the due date. Example: Homework assignments are worth 10 points. Turning
in complete homework 2 days late makes it worth 5 points. Turning
in poorly done homework on time is worth 5 points. Submitting, on
time, a short, poorly written Internet report (even in English) is
worth 15 points instead of 20 points.
There are no penalties if you turn in complete
homework, ON TIME, each Wednesday. It is recommended that you do some
French homework EVERY DAY so you can make your weekly Wednesday homework
due date. (In other words, you do some homework on Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.) This is the best way to
learn any foreign language, and to enjoy learning it. This is a difficult
course; it will be harder if you get behind on the homework.
Your final grade will be based on the following:
A |
This reflects a good
understanding and knowledge of vocabulary, grammar , syntax
and oral comprehension. |
90-100% |
B |
This reflects a good
understanding and knowledge of vocabulary, grammar , syntax
and oral comprehension, but some mistakes occur throughout
homework and testing. |
80-89% |
C |
Knowledge at this
level reflects some understanding and knowledge of most materials
presented, but confusion exists in the overall understanding
of mosts concepts presented. |
70-79% |
D |
There is very little
understanding and knowledge of vocabulary, grammar , syntax
and oral comprehension. |
60-69% |
I |
Students who do not attend class, do not turn in assignments
and do not take tests will receive an Incomplete, only
if a written completion contract is signed by both student
and instructor. |
U |
Unofficial drops:
Students who do not attend class or no longer attend class
regularly, do not turn in assignments and do not take tests
will receive an Unofficial drop. These will later turn into
an "F" grade. |
Students are expected to check the WebCT Gradebook weekly to check
homework submission grading. Mid-semester progress grades will be
posted after the third chapter exam, to keep students aware of their
Technology Requirements
A significant amount of work is done on the Internet and using
technology like e-mail, digital voice files, the foreign language computer
lab, and using the Web to access homework assignments and WebCT site.
Click here to see technology
requirements to make sure your home or work computer is powerful
enough to meet your needs for this course. Campus labs are well-equipped
and are available to all students, some on a 24-hour basis.
Students will use the WebCT (CSUS) site for this course at: At this page,
click on Logon My WebCT: after logon ID and password, then click on
French 1A.
Special Needs
Every effort will be made by this instructor
to accomodate students who have special needs. Please speak to the instructor
in person.
Contact Information
Laurette Suter: Office in Mariposa Hall 2051,
Telephone is (916) 278-7417, campus e-mail
Course WebCT site:
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Page updated: le 5 décembre, 2003